I have this friend Ryan and he�s a real lunatic. I mean you see this guy coming and the first thing you need to do is lock up your children. He�s not even one of those sociopaths that moves around clandestine, posing as a harmless B-type personality. Typically I support openness and think that cloaked intentions raise the potential harm factor exponentially; but, in regards to sociopaths, I like it when they don�t wear their emotions on their sleeve. One way or another they�ll screw up the lives of those around them, but until that time let�s just enjoy things as if all is well. Anyways, Ryan isn�t like that. Also, Ryan is a really good friend of mine (unfortunately). Anyways, Ryan and I took our dates to prom together when we were in high school. I�m not sure how you felt about prom, but I don�t need to put on a tux and rent limo to engage in multiple counts of sinful behavior. I guess, the ladies do, because that�s exactly what we ended up doing. I don�t need to get too far into the dreary details of the evening, but suffice to say that Ryan and I needed desperately to make new plans for the following year. The way that we went about figuring out how exactly to solve our problem was to initially organize what the problem was. So, we made a list of the things that couldn�t possibly be repeated. It was extensive. So, extensive, in fact that a new obstacle had arisen; that no reasonable solution was available. Until we started thinking outside of the box. The next year, we went inflatable. You need to do the same thing with your business. You need to advertise and there are countless methods to do so. But, problems arise all over the place, from excessive costs to mundane strategies. This is why advertising inflatable products will take off the shackles of advertising mediocrity for your business, just as they did for my best prom experience ever.