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Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu reported that aggregate member firm revenues increased to US$23.1 billion which recorded a growth of 15.5 percent in U.S.dollars and 12.6 percent in local currencies. This marks Deloitte's fifth consecutive year of member firm double-digit revenue growth from ongoing operations. The revenues of Deloitte were found in the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Worldwide Member Firms 2007 Review, Milestones on the Journey, released in Cape Town, South Africa.
Data entry workers are increasing in number everyday. It is estimated that a at least 40 million individuals work at home. Experts believe that prospect for data entry homework will be sunny in the years to come. The increases in number of data entry workers are credited largely to the Internet. The World Wide Web has created vast opportunities for many individuals, including professionals, to stay at home and work at the same time. One of the main reasons attributed ...
Doesn't it drive you nuts when less qualified people get the opportunities that you deserve more? It doesn't have to be that way... if you know the secret to getting the kind of recommendation letter that really opens doors.
We've all met them. They're young, handsome, newly qualified and out to see the world. John is just one more young man using his English teaching certificate to help him travel before he settles down. He's done a stint in Mexico, in China and now he's in Eastern Europe. Of course all his female students adore him. But John is too professional to become entangled with a student. But he's just discovered that situations can get very nasty despite his good intentions. In his ...
In uncertain economic times, there a few things that will always remain constant. One of the constants, without question, is a person's need to eat. Surprisingly, even fine dining establishments do well in both inclement and prosperous times, rarely feeling the crunch of economic uncertainty. This affects not only their availability for patrons, but for employees as well.
If you are considering a career in criminal justice, you may want to consider your options well before making a decision. While this is an exciting and honorable career to take on, it may be more of a challenge than you realize. For those who are considering the true aspects of criminal justice, it makes sense that they should weigh their options completely before making a choice. Criminal justice is a career that is not by any means easy. Nor is it one that is enjoyable. But...
Losing my job in the last recession of the last century, I discovered first hand the power of creating your own luck. A week later, I decided to locate an interim position while I looked for a "real" one. Accepting a temporary position at minimum wage in an industry I knew little about, I decided ...
Do you like video games? Do you beat video games after playing once? Do you feel like the games are too easy? Well, it sounds like you have a passion for these things then you should go where your heart leads you. If you at the point where you are thinking about your career, I suggest that you do what you love to do. You should consider a different course of action: majoring in something you TRULY enjoy... something you could do hours on end without feeling like you are w...
Learn about the careers and training in aviation!
Any good job hunter needs a resume package. The cover letter and resume always go together and do the same basic thing in slightly different ways. A job hunter without both of them will probably not get very far in the search for a good career position. With that in mind, let�s take a look at what these crucial documents should do for you. The first part, the cover letter, is a short one page letter consisting of three or four paragraphs. It serves as an introduction to t...