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Scented candles have become a staple for the holidays and especially throughout the fall and winter months. Not all of us know exactly how to go about plucking one candle from the cacophony of many and deciphering whether its aroma will be sweetly pleasant or nauseatingly sickening. What matters is not so much how you respond to it, but how the individual it is meant for will respond.
Arts and entertainment | Views: 57 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

It makes for great family fun and it offers a friendly atmosphere for both children and parents. The Disney on Ice performances showcase many of Disney�s greatest figures, from Mickey Mouse to Cinderella, and you can watch as they skate around the ice arena through bright lights and uplifting music. Disney on Ice has been a staple attraction for several years and they are known for putting on captivating stories about the central themes that the Disney movies are known for. From Aladdin to The Lion King, Disney on Ice performs to the delight of the crowd and the happy squeals of the children. However, since the event is such a popular performance, tickets often times sell out�even if there are over 10,000 per showing.
Arts and entertainment | Views: 58 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

Nowadays you don't even have to leave your house if you want to see or buy artwork, because the best way of finding original and innovative art, and also classical art of course, is to perform a search on the Internet.
Arts and entertainment | Views: 61 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

You may be mistaken in thinking that buying a piece of abstract art would be a simple thing to do. You just select the work you want... and buy it! The truth will creep up on you as soon as you look at the first painting "it is not quite the right one, so I will look for another". Here is the first realization - and question to ask yourself - why exactly is this piece you are looking at "not quite right"? The answer can be manifold: 1. It includes a colour I do not ...
Arts and entertainment | Views: 68 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

As expected, George Bush exercised his veto power and expunged the controversial Charcoal Grill Bill that the Senate and the House, growing wiser about the promise of science, bravely passed � without, however, enough votes to override his ill-considered flick of the pen. The bill would have allowed federal funding for barbeque research. It was the first veto of his presidency. Citing the role of carbon, not only in charcoal briquettes, but as the fundamental component of life, Mr. Bush stated, �You�ve got to respect carbon. Without it, none of us would be here.� He then pointed to himself, and said, �For instance, I wouldn�t be here. I owe my life to carbon.�
Arts and entertainment | Views: 50 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

One thing you can say about George Bush, when the man decides to do something, his guiding principle does not appear to be moderation, whether it�s an ill-advised constitutional amendment, a questionable war, or an immoderate nature preserve, in this case, the state of Hawaii. The area is home to diverse species and certainly merits protection. Unfortunately, among the species were a significant number of long-time inhabitants called Hawaiians. Upon hearing that their entire land was declared a nature preserve, they began to pack up and head for California.
Arts and entertainment | Views: 61 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

President Bush, troubled by the decline in his approval ratings, has decided to make a frontal assault on Hollywood, a bastion of his disapproval ratings, by scheduling lunch with one of its most persistently adversarial spokespeople, Jane Fonda. Mr. Bush said, �I look forward to meeting with Ms. Fonda. She�s said so many outrageous things about me over the years, it will be a real pleasure to break bread, as it were. If I get through the lunch intact, I plan to move on to the next person on my guest list, Barbra Streisand.�
Arts and entertainment | Views: 59 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

Rest easy, America, even when you contemplate the abbreviated flight of North Korea�s errant but someday, they hope, long-range Taepodong 2 missile � a name that, should the nation ever decide to enter the capitalist hustings, doesn�t sound like a very promising appellation for a new car. In the wake of the miscalculated launch of seven missiles by North Korea, including a Taepodong 2, President Bush told reporter Larry Wing in an exclusive interview, �We�ve got a missile defense system that will defend our country. We don�t just shoot down the enemy missile. We guide it back to where it came from. So anybody who launches a missile at the United States of America better clear out, because soon it�ll be on the way back at them, point first.�
Arts and entertainment | Views: 76 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

President Bush made a secret trip to Iraq to meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to assure him that the U. S. will continue to support efforts to stabilize and rebuild Iraq. Mr. Maliki thanked him and assured him that he would do everything to increase President Bush�s approval ratings. After further discussions, the two leaders agreed that the best way to accomplish both goals may be to exchange jobs.
Arts and entertainment | Views: 54 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

Meeting in Washington, Prime Minister Tony Blair and President Bush took to the podium to admit that everything in Iraq has not unfolded as they had hoped but the President insisted, �We've learned from our mistakes, and, if the past is any indication, we will continue to make them." Prime Minister Blair added, �And you can be absolutely certain that we will continue to learn from them.�
Arts and entertainment | Views: 62 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

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