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What does Success and a Big Hunk-of-Iron, have in common?
SUCCESS� is likened to a steam-powered locomotive. That massive hunk of IRON sits there imposingly bold and ready for a successful journey. Coal is the fuel that gets this big hunk of metal traveling at varying speeds. Now the coal can just sit there, with the big Iron steam engine and that's fine, but the engine goes nowhere. On the other hand, when the coal is shoveled in to the engines', flaming red-hot furnace fire, the goal begins. The engine warmly receives much needed energy and the locomotive begins its journey. The real change comes to play, when the fire burns coal, which creates steam and right on down the mechanical line, levers and gears immediately get moving and momentum begins. More coal, more steam more momentum. Successfully reaching its destination sooner or, later. The equation to this is; ME/You (Iron Engine) to effectively get to your destination (goal)+Coal (proven information) times the amount(proven information) shoveled in the (brain) engine (read, devoured intellectually) + Fire (overwhelming passion, spirit, unwavering goal) produces the Steam (energy)= mass, reaching a destination(goal). Now ADD the pushing, pulling or pressing the lever or button (action and application� ie get off butt and do something) =Goal. Success, money and recognition can be yours in less time than those that completed the brain-busting, back-breaking labor to build the engine. 1. Physical person, Engine 2. Coal /fuel (Proven information from professionals that have taken years to accomplish the goal) 3. FIRE (enthusiasm, passion, burning desire) 4. Steam (Power to get out of the comfort zone) 5. Again Me/You (Engine) to set this all into motion by shoveling the coal in and physically getting involved, by pulling the lever (Action) and the engine begins to move on its journey. It beat walking� what do you think? U� THE LETTER THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN 1ST IN THE ALPHABET. A letter of our alphabet that is virtually �unthought' about and in my opinion the most significant. The letter U, should be pasted on our mirrors while performing your morning rituals, frequently perceived floating in our cups of coffee or tea, seen at busy intersections when traveling about, making decisions, interacting with others and getting things done. Yes� It's all up to U Dave Powell
Category: Small business | Added: admin (02.04.2009)
Views: 226 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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