Currently, the print on demand service has changed the economics of small quantity printing, making it possible for books with low and uncertain demand to be profitably produced. This makes it easy and simple to produce books one or two at a time or in small lots, rather than in larger print runs of several hundred or several thousand. However, aside from its good intention service, there are criticisms against this print on demand service that is offered by some print on demand publishers. Some of the reasons are: � Inadequate selectivity � Inadequate editing � High cover prices � Short discounts � Nonreturnability � Minimal marketing and distribution � Other nonstandard practices As we all know not all print on demand publisher utilizes these practices. But sad to say, there is still a great number of printing companies who does these practice. Together with the aggressive policies and poor quality offerings of print on demand service of some providers, this has tainted print on demand in general. That�s why many booksellers, reviewers, and readers are disturbed of these principles, even if the publisher is entirely professional. This print on demand stigma is the reason why some people think, that before signing a contract with a print on demand publisher, they need to carefully weight their options because it can make marketing extremely difficult. If you are a new writer that is trying to establish a career, a print on demand service is perhaps not a good choice for you. As noted above, it's widely associated with vanity publishing; it's not likely a book published this way will be considered a professional credit. Nor is publishing with a printing on demand service likely, as some authors hope, to provide a stepping stone to conventional publication. As stated above, not all print on demand publisher is utilizing the above statement practices. There are also more printing companies that are offering a true print on demand service. The only thing you must do is to be very careful in choosing the right printing company. Here is some list of tips to help you evaluate your selected printing company that offers a print on demand service. � First is to check if there is a fee. Many companies can't afford to pay advances, but they don't ask for money. A fee, no matter where you encounter it in the publishing process, is a sign of a vanity operation, or of a publishing service. � Second, is there an advance? An advance, even of just a few hundred dollars, is a sign of a professional operation. � Third, check how long has the publisher been in business, and has it actually published any books? � Are the books professionally-produced and of good physical quality? � Is the pricing reasonable? � Does the publisher accept returns? � Are the books reviewed in professional venues � Is there bookstore presence? � Can you order the publisher's books in a bricks-and-mortar bookstore? � What's the focus of the publisher's website? � Is the contract standard? � Is the publisher forthcoming? If the publisher you choose refuses to answer the stated above information, you know now that is a publisher to avoid. Be wise!