This is a story submitted by Mary Jane Medlock, a gal who went from 11 to 7,029 regular customers in the last 36 months. Of those, she personally sponsored 2,362 as of today, 7.26.06. She's just now starting recruiting. You can listen to her (Episodes 1,2 and 18-19) tell how she got her first customers, and how she keeps them all together now that they've grown to over 6,000. It's an aww shucks, story for me... "In July of 2003, an crossline friend of mine saw that I was struggling to sell a product that I loved and had much success with. She suggested that I take this telephonic course to learn how to use a script� I really didn't even want to go...I thought, �How can a total stranger help me sell MY OWN products�? I went to this class, but not without huffing, puffing, kicking and screaming!! As the day was approaching, I continued to think to myself� �I must be crazy to waste my time and energy on this course." I just didn�t want to go, and to be quite honest, I didn�t know much about this business either� as a matter of fact I didn�t even know what MLM stood for or even what a script was at that time.� this was totally out of my element� I was totally against it� I mean, why would I want to pay money to take a course to sell a product that I love? I didn't think that I needed any counseling or coaching or any classes to sell a product.. I thought you either sell it or you don�t. Why would I want to take a class that teaches scripts.. I'll never use the script.. Well�let me tell you what happened. I was waiting on the phone for the call to start. A woman started talking and introduced herself as Kim Klaver�. I could tell right off the bat as I was listening to her speak that she was a fun person and I felt as ease right away, however, I was still very skeptical. She asked for volunteers to start the call and no one said anything right away, so I remembered thinking, �what the heck, I will go first� get this over with and then hang up.� Well Kim started asking me many questions about my business and I would answer her. If she didn�t like my answer she would jump right in my face so to speak and we would end up in a debate, but the end result was an actual creation of my script based on my personality and my characteristics. I was totally blown away how it was all pulling together.. we finished my script within 15 minutes and Kim went on to the next person� As Kim was teaching the next person, I received an email from a potential customer. I thought to myself, �I think I will give this new script of mine a shot.� I cut and pasted this new script into the email and sent it off exactly the way we wrote it�I did not change a word. Within five minutes I received an email from this person and she said, �That sounds like me. Not only do I think this program is for me, my husband would like it too� how can I order?� I sent her the link to my website and she signed up and placed an order... to my surprise not only did she order for herself, but for her husband too. The order was for $400 and I earned $140. Paid for the class in the first 15 minutes. WOW!! That was AMAZING!! I've used that script ever since. It has become me. I have become it. Thank you thank you." - Mary Jane Medlock, 7.25.06 Customer wonder or horror stories welcome. Email me: Kim[at]bananamarketing[dot]com. (Use the usual symbols - this is to fool spammers.)