Are you too shy to strike up conversations with other people? Hmm� What about email, surely sending someone an email isn�t terribly daunting, right? It is? Well, then you�re in the wrong business. Network marketing means just what it says. You are a network marketer. That means you need to network, and if you don�t do that most important thing, you�ll never succeed. Traffic exchanges are a good place to start honing the art of becoming a good mentor. In most exchanges, when you get a referral into the program, you are notified by the site�s admin. This is great because you can take immediate action to assure that you remain on your recruit�s mind. If you can�t do it immediately, be sure to respond to this alert within 24 hours. Send your referral a private message, if this feature is available at the traffic exchange. If not, send an email, an IM, or even call them on the telephone. I know this isn�t everyone�s choice, but it works even better than mail. Yet, if you insist on sending a written messge of some type, there are dos and don�ts. In your welcome message, do be sure to thank the person for joining you in the program. Point out places where new members will find help regarding the site, such as to a tutorial or an FAQ section. Tell the person that you will be happy to help, if he or she still has questions, and provide your contact information. The more ways you give people to reach you, the better. Give them your email address, your IM address, and even your telephone number. If you�re reticent about doing that, maybe your cell phone number would seem better. Just remember, you can always change a number, but most folks who call you are just looking for guidance in their own online careers. They�re in search of a beacon. You can be that beacon for them, if you don�t abuse the privilege. Sponsors who send an ad for another program in their messages are spamming, pure and simple. Don�t do it. Aside from it being against the terms of service in a majority of exchanges, it�s just rude. Offer help and guidance and that person will probably join your program anyway, just because you�ve taken your time to be helpful. I can�t tell you how many emails I�ve had, telling me that, �I joined Program XYZ, and my upline sponsor said she�d call, but never has,� or �I never knew I had an upline sponsor in XYZ.� Well, it�s a shame you weren�t that person�s upline sponsor in that traffic exchange, huh? You probably will be in others, if you just give him or her a little support. It�s a cold, cruel World Wide Web out there, folks. Be kind to others, and you are sure to succeed.