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You started your business with dreams of making millions. When the time comes to sell your business, you will want to keep as many of those after tax dollars as you possibly can in exchange for your blood, sweat and tears. Advance planning can make a big difference in the amount you pocket after the sale of your business.
There are too many managers who do not understand what management is about. Despite what many may imagine, management is not about working hard; it is about working easy
Lack of time does not account for a great number of tasks we have to do. But it is rather a result of unpredictable and unjustified time losses. Among the factors that steal our time during the working day we can point out the three major �time thieves�. They are�
If you want to make money working for yourself and be your own boss carpet cleaning is an easy business to get into. When you start up a business there are two key components that you need, a product to sell and someone who�s willing to buy it. Carpet cleaning is not rocket science but does require knowledge on general carpet cleaning, stain removal and knowing the limitations of what your equipment can handle.
With a large boom of new businesses over the past 5 years cleaning consultants are making a lot of money. What is a cleaning consultant? A cleaning consultant is a person that analyzes a companies cleaning expenditures and recommends ways to save money on their cleaning expenses. A cleaning consultant can make money both from the businesses that are being analyzed and referral fees charged to cleaning companies for referrals.
Promoting risk taking and eliminating fear of failure. It would be a mistake to try to avoid all mistakes. Indeed, it would be a colossal blunder to attempt doing things right the first time, every time. In todays light speed economy, ("new" economy and "old" economy) if you don't fall on your face both regularly and painfully, you are likely to end up dead instead. The only people not making mistakes are ones playing their game without risk and without novelty - and I mig...
If you prefer success instead of failure, here's what to do.
For many of us change is a difficult process. In organizations like healthcare it seems to advance at a snail�s pace sometimes. There is a need for change in healthcare, most agree, though we would be hard pressed to agree upon the changes needed. One incentive for change is pay-for-performance programs now beginning in several areas. I would like to describe a couple that affect primary care physicians and then give a few suggestions as to how to adopt changes to take advant...
Guarantee failure with these popular tactics.
Recently a client told me a wonderful story about how a change of attitude helped her to keep a valued employee.