Even though I�m pretty happy with how 2005 turned out, there are still some things I wish I had done differently. Here are 5 things I aim to change for 2006 1. Didn�t take time out for me. I admit it, I have the typical entrepreneur bug. I spent way too much time working on my business and not nearly enough time on me. In 2006, I plan to take more breaks and schedule in some �me-time.� 2. Wasn�t as consistent with my own marketing. Much like not taking time out for me, I also struggled with not taking as much time as I should have for marketing my own business. (Remember the old adage of the shoemaker�s children running around barefoot? Marketing my clients� businesses always came before my own.) Now, my business has grown rapidly, so although I�m not exactly complaining, I do wonder where I�d be if I had been more consistent about my own marketing. 3. Got distracted. One of my biggest problems is what my coach, Melanie Benson Strick, Success Connections, calls �bright shiny object syndrome.� That�s where you find yourself chasing all sorts of bright shiny objects (also known as �new� opportunities or �new� ideas) rather than focusing on your core business systems. What happens is you end up with a lot of half-finished or barely-started ideas and very few actually completed. I unfortunately have this syndrome bad. Although I�m much better than I used to be, I still allowed myself to get distracted by a few half-baked plans in 2005. Which leads me to #4� 4. Didn�t attain a couple of my business goals. Because I allowed myself to get distracted, I didn�t meet a couple of business goals in 2005. Needless to say, this mistake is at the top of my list of issues to address in 2006. Now that I know how to eliminate the vast majority of distractions, I�m looking forward to getting even more tasks accomplished in 2006. 5. Waited too long to do the things I did right. Okay, I know this is the wrong thing to focus on, but I just have to say it and then I can move on. 2005 was such a banner year for me and a large reason for that was because of the 5 Things I Did Right (you can read that article on my blog, http://www.writingusa.com/blog). But unfortunately, I also can�t help wondering where I would be if I hadn�t waited so long to start doing those things. Okay, I said it, and now I can move on. But please, if nothing else, don�t make THIS same mistake � read my article on the 5 Things I Did Right and see if there are a few things you can implement in your business. That may be the ticket to turning 2006 into your best year ever.