Work at home programs have grown in popularity in recent years. You have access to millions of people with access to the Internet.There are hundreds of programs to choose from and millions of everyday people looking to work from home. Why do some work at home programs not work out for subscribers? I don't claim to be an expert, but from my years on the Internet, experience as owner of a work at home web site; I will try my best to shed some light on this subject. Every company whether it is an online company or traditional company has people who are unhappy after a purchase. There a more reasons than I can mention in an article on why this happens, but I am going to focus on a few that I have seen as an operator of and online web site. In fact the very thought of this article stems from feedback from users of my web site. Like any online business I sometimes get people who join a program through my site that find it is not a good fit for them. What causes this to happen? I have found that most of the time it's that the customers expectations such as their short-term goals, long-term goals, work expectations and skill sets do not match up with the programs they have joined. One example of this is a frequent visitor of my site joined a Data Entry program and decided it was not a good match with his particular skill set. He emailed me telling me of his problem. After emailing back and forth I gave him some ideas to think about. He decided to try the rebate program and it was a good match for his skill sets and expectations. He emailed me back stating that he thought it was the best program on the Internet. Others will prefer the Data Entry opportunities to other programs. Makes sense? What I have found with many programs is that it is very important to match the following criteria between the programs and the subscriber. 1. What income goals you may have? 2. Do you want to simply create some additional income or build and online business? 3. How much extra time do you have? 4. What do you feel are the skill sets that we need to match up? 5. Does the person have the necessary discipline required to work from home, i.e. there is work that will have to be done. 6. Does the person have the patience required, because some programs generate income faster than others, however all programs take some time before getting paid. You see if these don't match up then folks will get frustrated and quit. There are more, but these are some of the important ones. They may get frustrated and quit before achieving success if they are for example in a home based business program rather than a work at home program. Why? The home business program, in my opinion, will create more income over the long-term and the time required on a weekly basis decreases. The problem is that it takes some time to get an online business up and running and profitable. Many times people are looking for immediate income. Often time many will do a work at home program for income whilst building their online business. That's just one example, but my point it is that the more the type of program joined does not match up with the customers expectations, short-term, long-term and financial goals the more there is a chance for failure. All of the programs will require some effort. If they claim you don't have to do anything then I would stay away, because it won't be true. There are plenty of these types of ads that can be seen daily online. I sometimes get email from subscribers that get matched up with the wrong types of programs and I always try my very best to solve their problem if I can. No one has a crystal ball and despite whatever research I may do some companies are not what we expect them to be and it's simply a bad program. We simply have to research as much as possible, revise our sites as needed and move on. I always encourage visitors of my site to send me feedback as to the programs they join and their suggestions as to what types of programs we can add in the future. It helps me keep my finger on the pulse of the market place and it is one of the criteria I use when deciding whether a particular work at home or home based business opportunity stays on my site or not. I get a lot of emails on a daily basis. I try my best to answer them all. I always enjoy the ones like the gentleman mentioned above. I may not enjoy the ones as much where a visitor is unhappy, but I appreciate their feedback and I try my best to help them when possible. Thankfully I have not received many of these. I don't care what anybody says it makes you feel bad when you are unable to help a person that has joined a program using your web site. It sure makes you work harder to ensure you have the best programs you can find. It is not possible on many of the programs, but I always encourage my visitors to look for the money back guarantee programs when possible. This way if it's not a good fit you can request a refund. I try to include as many of these types of programs as possible on my site. It is really gratifying when you can convert an unsuccessful endeavor into success by matching up the customer with the program that is best for them. Please feel free to read more of this article by visiting my link in the resource box below. I always enjoy getting emails pertaining to my articles or my site. Your feedback is important to me.