Everybody wand�s to work at home. I�d like to stay at home to, but with six kids and two dogs forget it. One day I decided to look how to get a few extra bucks working online. I had never did it before and seen a lot of people doing it so I decided to give it a try. Ok now what to try, ebay? I signed up and sold everything in the house until my wife stopped me because we needed the couch and TV. Ebay is a great site and I made some good money until I ran out of things to sell. Then I looked at drop shipping; WOW you could find anything in the world to drop ship. The only problem was I had no idea how much inventory they had for a certain item. I don�t think they did either. Don�t get me wrong drop shipping is a great thing if you can find the right one. Oh look at this a free site fully stocked with everything on the planet, I know you�ve seen them don�t they look pretty? That�s about it. With six kids who has a lot of money to invest? Not me. I heard of Clickbank, Commission Junction, and Google absence. Look people are making money with these sites, but how. CB and CJ are both great sites and have a lot to offer. Just pick a program and promote the heck out of it. Again promote equals money. Adsence, great I need a website, now what? Ok back to the search engines What�s this? This site look�s pretty good. It has ebay stuff, it has adsence, it has Clickbank items, and it has Commission Junction. Hmmm! Click here All right I spent the money, my wife stopped talking to me amongst other things but this was something I thought would work. I customized the page the way I needed it and started to promote. Since I spent the money I had to go the free route. I placed free ads everywhere I could and waited to see what happens. I must tell you it took a little while but I started to make some money, it wasn�t earth shattering but I made my investment back and a little more. All I can tell you is go with what you feel and make it happen. If you need help here is where I found mine Click here this is one of the best information sites I found. Have a great day Al Bengough www.auctioneeds.com