I�m a new Stay at Home Mom and I�m just miserable. I love my baby, but I miss my career and my co-workers. Going back to work isn�t an option. But, how can I be happy? What can I do? Signed � Miserable in MO Dear Miserable, Making the transition from a busy career woman to a stay at home mom can be quite a struggle, especially if you really enjoyed your job and your co-workers. I�ve been there! Don�t get me wrong. Being a Stay at home mom is a great job. I�ve been an at home mom for several years and I wouldn�t trade being home with my kids for anything. But, it was hard to adjust to the transition from conversing with adults to talking to a drooling diapered dude all day. So, how can you go from struggling stay at home mom to a happy one? Take time for you. Get rid of the guilt. You do not need to play with your baby 10 hours per day, just because you�re home. You can take time to rub some lotion on your feet or read a book. You�re setting a positive example for your little one that Mommy matters, too. And, every time you pick up a magazine or book, you�re also reinforcing the concept that reading is good. (Well, even if that one is an excuse, it�s worked for many years for me.) So, grab a book and relax. As long as you�re keeping baby close by and safe, you�re doing just fine. Spend time on your marriage. You may not always like your partner, but you do love him. Whether you go on a date night or just sit together on the couch at night, show him that he�s special to you. Don�t let the �messy house syndrome� win its battle. Try to do at least one load of laundry daily � and put it away. Load the dishwasher before you go to bed so you can wake up to a clean-ish kitchen every morning. You�ll feel better about your day if you do. Stay healthy. If your health suffers, you can�t take care of your baby. Eat well, drink lots of water, take naps every chance you get, and try to get some fresh air and exercise every day. It�s good for you and your baby. And, as convenient as that drive-through fast food is, keep it to a minimum. That sodium and grease does not help your mental or physical health. Plan lunch dates or grown-up time. Bring your baby to lunch to meet your co-workers. Or, if baby doesn�t handle restaurants very well, then have your friends over during a weekend for a barbeque or card game. You can still have a life. And, of course, if you just can�t break past the blues, or if you feel unsafe around your baby, then get some help. I promise you that you won�t be the first mother to walk into a doctor�s office and break down into tears. It�s hard work being a Mom. And, it�s a heck of an adjustment. Take care of you. Your baby needs a healthy, happy Mommy. Your baby deserves that � and so do you.