Are you a person who hates their day job and wants desperately to earn instant money online? If so then you are reading the correct article. I was that person, but not anymore. For 10 years I dragged myself out of bed in the morning and drove to work with a knot in my stomach. I always thought to myself, there has to be a better way to earn money. Then I thought about the internet and how everything online is instant. Why not be able to earn instant money online as well? I always hated office politics. I hated the gossip, drama and all of the he said, she said stuff. All I ever wanted to do was keep my head down, earn my money and spend as much time with the people I loved that I could. But the older I got the less time I had for my loved ones. But once I was able to learn how to earn instant money online I was able to have it all - all the money I needed and the time to spend with my family. How does one do this? Well, it has to do with the instant gratification of the internet. In order to earn instant money online , you need to learn how to take advantage of the instantaneousness of it all, and turn it into a profit. One of the ways to be able to earn instant money online is to take online surveys. You have likely seen endless advertisements for getting paid to take online surveys. I knew there would be a lot of scamming, but I also knew with that much advertising on one subject, there must be something to that. You see, companies need consumer opinions in order to properly develop their products. It is in their best interest to get consumer opinions so that they know their product will sell. They need to make money too. This is where you can jump in and help them while you earn instant money online. After doing some research, I found that there are many companies that "host" the surveys. You just have to enroll for the survey, complete it and get paid the agreed amount. This is a very simple way to earn instant money online. The hardest part is finding legitimate surveys to take that actually pay. Be advised that a good survey listing site will do the work for you. They should be doing all their own market research and asking you consumer questions. At first, I was hesitant to put out any money to these sites that offer paid surveys. But, after long and hard mistakes, I bit the bullet and paid the joiners fee. The joiners fee was paid off on my first survey and I had a positive cash flow. Since then I have been able to earn instant money online. Sometimes it really is worth the small investment for a big payoff. When I first started out with my online work, I had no idea that I would be able to earn instant money online. But now I know there is so much money to be made it is incredible. Take the plunge purchase into the paid online survey sites. Your wallet will thank you as you begin to earn instant money online and see it show up in your pocket.