Have you watched any good movies recently? Well okay, the fact is there haven't been a lot to choose from. Come on, what I meant is, is there anything that is not a sequel or a re-make nowadays? At present I know for a fact that lots of screenwriters from around the world are pumping out new scripts all the time; perhaps even one hundred thousand a year or so. Therefore, the problem lies within the inner circle of Hollywood. The movie business has just gone down hill. In any case you can pop open your favorite search engine and do a quick surf for the latest movies. Tell me, once you've opened your local movie guide; which ones you actually want to pay eight bucks to see. Sure this can be a tricky decision with the whole 50 dollar concessions fee and all. Regardless of Hollywood's lack of nuance and clever material, movies will continue to turn a large profit around the globe. So what are you waiting for...have you bought your tickets yet? Do you know how many of the latest movies are 50 percent CG? Well, I'm talking about computer graphics. Lately this is one of the brilliant aspects of film. I am not saying this because it requires less of the actors or film crew, but because it allows us to believe. Everything looks so real that we forget we're watching a fantasy world. This is truly a great aspect of film, you sure can get lost in it for a while. In fact recently I watched the movie, Silent Hill, and it did a marvelous job with special effects. I simply don't understand how they would have made the film without them. On a different note, the cool thing about heading out to the movie theater nowadays is the convenience. You no longer have to call that hotline and sit through the whole spiel, only to realize later that you weren't paying attention when they announced the show times for your film of choice. The big World-Wide-Web does it all for us. If you prefer you can bring up any movie theater's website and check out the show times. Several of these sites even allow you to purchase the tickets online. That means no waiting at the front. You can head straight in to the concessions. It�s that simple! You can check out the latest movies listed on your home computer. If you're planning to head out this Friday night with the girl of your dreams or that cute boy from next door, maybe you should hop online and look through the show times for the latest movies available. Or if you like, you can even skip ahead and see what's playing Friday. The latest movies and show times are right at your fingertips.