In general, larger searchcoils will give better depth with larger targets and better ground coverage. However, sensitivity to smaller objects may be sacrificed. Smaller searchcoils will offer greater sensitivity to smaller objects and improved target separation in trashy soil. As you can probably tell metal detectors are very useful not only to find that cherished earring but for our everyday safety and well being. This is a great invention that will be here for years to come. The metal detectors in airports, office buildings and prisons for example help ensure that no one is bringing a weapon onto the property. Consumer oriented metal detectors provide entertainment to people and give chance in discovering hidden treasures. In 1881, Alexander Graham Bell constructed one of the world�s first metal detectors in an attempt to find an assassin's bullet in President James Garfield. Fischer patented a portable version in 1931. How to do metal detecting in dry sand? One exciting moment for metal detectors is the challenge of discovering valuable finds on difficult grounds like the beach sand. This hunt, because of its distinct features, is labeled "beach combing." Most enthusiasts take on the challenge and go for a wild goose search on the sand. It is important to consider the time you go on your metal detecting spree. For this area, it is best that you do it very early in the morning or in the evenings. Be sure to also check the laws in the areas where you choose to do your metal detecting because some require a permit to do metal detecting on the beach or water. One part of the beach that can yield good finds is in the beach parking lot. It is a very strategic location because it is where people are so excited and busy unloading their cars and getting ready to head for the beach. People often drop valuable things and never notice that they've dropped them. If you head for the beach to do your metal detecting, always keep in mind that not all beaches are left littered. Some ordinances force beach keepers to rake the beaches every morning. Make sure you know about this and schedule your metal detecting activity at a proper time when there are fewer people and before the beach has been raked. Usually, they do this in the morning so you could plan your activity for the evening or night time. As with other electronic equipments, innovations seems to always happen overnight. If you are going to buy a metal detector today, try to know that technologies are currently employed. You do not want to be behind the technology line, right? You know all the shops full of junk that you always pass by everyday ? Many times, people rent booths in the store to get rid of items that have truly been in attics from god knows when. Also, think about all the old relic hunters that pass away. Any place there is construction and the ground is being cleared, that is a great place to start treasure hunting. Successfull treasure hunting starts with having the right metal detector. But which type of metal detector should you get? Complete info on metal detectors and treasure hunting at ome detectors have more ways of adjusting the "fit" to the person. Some of the other ways that detectors adjust are that the arm cup can be raised or lowered, and the box containing the board and controls can be taken off of the pole and mounted in a small pouch. Many people say to us "I have always wanted to do this!" If you are planning to buy a metal detector, you should check out the features of each before buying one. Metal detecting is a fun hobby but having the wrong equipment can cost you time and money. Metal detectors work on the principal of electromagnetics and their effects on conductive metals. There are actually two separate elements in the coil of a typical unit. One is a high-powered coil of metal which uses the battery power to generate a penetrating magnetic field. One thing that can help you the most in your hunt is to look for the best metal detector. Here are some of the things you need to consider when buying your metal detector: Selection - when you choose your metal detector, your first consideration is the features which help in the function of your detector; it is important to identify your needs as a metal detector enthusiast and apply those when choosing the metal detector; Customer service - metal detectors are technical equipment that needs maintenance and repairs as time progresses so be certain that the brand you buy offers good technical and customer support; Warranty - necessary to administer some quality control over products and technical items like metal detectors should have good warranties; and, Prices - of course; the last thing to consider is the price that works for your budget. Be a winner in your treasure hunt in the sand. Follow these steps and you will find the most the treasures possible. When hand-held detectors are switched on, a red signal pattern in transmitted from the coil to the ground. When the signal comes in contact with a metal, it interrupts the signal and the detector alerts the user with an audio signal and flashing lights. Now that you have learned the three different types of metal detector, it�s up to you to make your choice as to what type of detector you wish to use for your searches. Find the best gold metal detector today and start treasure hunting! Some users put a rubber band around the knobs to keep them from moving or becoming loose. You should buy a metal detector that is light weight. This is important when you are detecting things on a riverbank or body of water. Prices of used metal detectors vary from $275 to $700 for all-purpose metal detectors. Underwater metal detectors can cost around $500.