I drilled one 1" hole in a small fall of 8/4 provision 1� deeply for this purpose. To downwards place the white with the end of stick on your bench and to align the acute needle stem with the small cavity of all in the base of the white. To slip the fall above of metal plate and to give it that a couple of good beats with a mallet to pose the front plate with the white. The pressure of the mallet is distributed on the back of the screw of metal plate and pan of head, not on the threaded collar. Start to form the candlestick to assemble the whole assembly on the lathe and to upwards run the tailstock in the small cavity on the end of the stick. To start the process by turning the base to the bottom with the 5-3/8� mark that you made earlier on the face of the base (8). To turn then the round stick to just more than 1" (9). With the turning turn (I like to turn the latter to approximately 1500 t/mm), to put three marks on the stick: one at the bottom of the cup of candle, one with the top of the pearl lower and one than the bottom of the lower pearl (10). To turn space enters the bottom of the cup of candle and the top of the lower pearl to the bottom to 1� of diameter (11). To use your median tool then to turn a groove below the lower pearl to the bottom to 1� also (12). After, to turn the lower sector of pearl to the bottom to 1". Again turn now your attention (and your rest of tool) at the base. By the turning piece, to identify a line on the edge of 5/16 bottoms� face (13). The base is frayed on the lower part of this mark to the bottom with the plate before (14), leaving that�s of a lip approximately 1/16� of top (15). After, to replace the parallel rest of tool with the face of the base and to begin roughing outside profile of dish (16).