If you pay any attention to some of the advertising taking place on television, you will notice a very nasty and brutal war being waged by cable and satellite companies. Vying for a multi-billion dollar market that continues to grow each year, the satellite and cable companies definitely have a lot to gain�or lose�as a result of this war. While both sides offer certain advantages over their competition, the simple fact is that Dish Network and the satellite technology it employs is destined to win this war. Why? First of all, let�s address the two main complaints or arguments made by the cable companies regarding satellite technology. The biggest and most commonly portrayed weakness of Dish Network is that customers lose reception during storms. Actually, the cable companies tend to dramatize this weakness but they still have a valid point. During rough storms and bad weather, it is very possible that you will lose reception temporarily. However, the same is true of cable reception although it does not happen as often. Fortunately, however, Dish Network continues to invest in better technology and has made drastic improvements in recent years and the time is drawing close when weather will cease interrupting your favorite programming. The second main complaint about Dish Network is that local channels are either not offered or cost subscribers a premium. Again, a valid point. However, how many of us really watch local channels anyway? Even if it is conceded that this is truly a disadvantage for DishNetwork subscribers, the benefits of the service still far outweigh this minor inconvenience. Simply put: Dish Network offers far more channels than any standard cable service. The variety alone more than compensates for the loss of local channels. But, variety is only the beginning! Dish Network offers a host of benefits to its customers such as free things like TiVo, up to four tv connections, and in most cases�free installation. And�.all of this can be had for less than you will payfor basic cable service. And then there is the customer service benefit to Dish Network subscribers. How many times have you been inconvenienced by some impersonal and unsympathetic customer service rep from the cable company telling you that you had to be available between 8-5 p.m. during the work week in order to get your service repaired? Heck, how many times have you even got through the automated system to an actual human in less than twenty minutes when dealing with the cable company? With Dish Network, you get through to a human immediately and they fix the problem promptly without inconveniencing you to the point of having to take a day off of work to get your service back up and running. Plus, Dish Network allows customers to access and pay their bills online so there are never any surprises at the end of the month as can be the case with cable companies. Finally, in poll after poll, Dish Network subscribers continually give the company higher customer service marks than the average local cable company. Instead of being treated like a number, Dish Network customers are treated like people. Lastly, Dish Network is simply the future. The cable companies are trying desperately to hold on to their business but the fact remains that they are fighting a losing battle. The reception problem is their last straw and Dish Network is working daily to end that irritation for its customers. With more channels, lower prices, and better customer service�is there any doubt that Dish Network is simply better?