A digital scrapbook is an exciting project. With minimal mess, you can gather photos and memories into an electronic scrapbook. From there, you can share individual pages or the entire digital scrapbook via e-mail. You can save the digital scrapbook on CD. You can print your digital scrapbook � as many copies as you desire. Digital scrapbook flourishes make your work look professional. Well-placed and limited in number, digital scrapbook flourishes can soften sharp corners and add feeling to any page. Define Digital Scrapbook Flourishes Digital scrapbook flourishes are decorative touches added to photos on the page of a digital scrapbook project. As in writing, a flourish is an ornamental embellishment, added to make the page showier. Such embellishments appeared frequently in Victorian writing, but are now reserved for things such as certificates where calligraphy appears. A digital scrapbook flourish might be a sweeping stem of flowers placed across the corner of a photo. It could be a circular "doodle" of intricately interwoven lines. Sometimes, digital scrapbook flourishes take a free art form, flowing loops of color or black sweeping onto the photo from opposite corners. Brushes or Rubber Stamps The forerunners of digital scrapbook flourishes are done with "brushes" in conventional scrapbooking. The term "brushes" can be misleading, however, as no artist's or painter's brush is involved. These decorative touches are added with rubber stamps in conventional scrapbooking. Since digital scrapbooking is done solely on the computer, the "brushes" or "rubber stamps" may be previously created designs placed on the electronic page atop the photo. Another way of producing digital scrapbook flourishes is to use a digital brush to doodle or swirl a design onto the finished page. Advantages of Digital Scrapbook Flourishes Many advantages can be gained through the use of digital scrapbook flourishes. A page that is other wise little more than a simple photo album page gains interest, and tells a more complete story through the addition of flourishes. How do flourishes accomplish that? 1. Digital scrapbook flourishes give cohesiveness to a page. For example, a page that features two similar photos can look bare if the two photos sit alone on the background. Look at what a digital scrapbook flourish can do. A flourish can sweep between the photos, crossing one corner of each, and tying them together. A flourish can be echoed from one photo to the next. Place identical flourishes across matching corners to show the photos' relationship. A few small flourishes can flow between the photos, overlapping each photo slightly at one or two spots. All of these, and more, are ways to pull page elements together with digital scrapbook flourishes. 2. Digital scrapbook flourishes can also be used to convey emotion. A photo of a young girl, just home from her first dance, can become wistful and nostalgic if a spray of flowers floats across one corner. A photo of a boy's first baseball game recalls his excitement when a flourish of a trophy is added. 3. Finally, a digital scrapbook flourish can simply make a dull page showy. Think of an official royal decree. It would carry as much power on a plain piece of paper, provided it had the proper seal. But a flourish or two makes it showy � gives it importance. Digital scrapbook flourishes can do the same for your electronic page. Sources for Digital Scrapbook Flourishes The best source for digital scrapbook flourishes may be your own skill and a good computer graphics program. If you are comfortable with using such a program, and know your way around it, you can find many built-in flourishes, as well as tools to create your own flourishes. If you do it yourself, you can create digital scrapbook flourishes from a bit of your digital scrapbook paper design. Simple capture the flower or design element you want for a flourish and "clean" it, removing unwanted background colors. Place the finished flourish on your page and see how well it ties in with the background. Change its color, if desired, for more contrast. Most digital scrapbook software includes flourishes and embellishments. If you are using such a program, look for "brushes" or "stamps" to use. Websites that retail digital scrapbook supplies will also have digital scrapbook flourishes. Look at their samples to get ideas. Purchase packages of digital scrapbook flourishes from them. Helpful tip: When you come across a term such as "flourishes" in your digital scrapbook work, pursue it until you understand it. Understanding the "technical talk" is a big part of making a great digital scrapbook.