Before you do anything else you have to determine what party style you have. You have a to look within yourself in the way you dress the food you needs where you feel comfortable. Consider your likes and dislikes. Think about the last party you attended and remember what is it that made you feel good at the party, what was it that made you feel uncomfortable. In terms of your decoration you should have colors that make you feel good. If green is a color that makes you feel comfortable you should make gift part of your decoration. If you're not sure about what colors make you feel relaxed just look through your closet. You should also consider what kind of environments make you fill comfortable. If you are a homebody you may be better off having the party in your house. But if you enjoy spending an afternoon at a park you may have a better time organizing a party that takes place in a local park. If the beach is your favorite place, a beach party may be the best fit for you. What kind of activity you will have at your party should be determined by the things you like to do. Do you enjoy watching movies? If yes, you can have a party where you and your friends can enjoy a good movie together. In addition, you could have your party themed around movie. For example, if the party has to do with the sea you may have an ocean themed party. The declaration, the food, the party favors, everything that you do and prepare for your party could revolve around the ocean theme. Do you enjoy cooking? If yes, you can prepare your favorite food for your guests. If you don't particularly enjoy cooking, you have several options. One, you can ask each guest to bring something they prepared themselves. Such a party makes for a great potluck. Another option is for you to order out. Pizza is the obvious choice, but there are many restaurants offer food delivery. So, you can be very creative when it comes to ordering out. Yet another option is to ask some of your guests to help with the cooking. Of course, you don't want to start cooking roast beef half hour before the beginning of your party. But, but simple meals can be prepared quickly with the help of your friends. Who knows, with the help of your friends cooking may not be such a drag after all.