Ok, there is no doubt Sanjaya Malakar was not the most talented idol contestant, but I really do believe, he was one of the most entertaining. I personally would tune in just to see what his hairstyle would be the current week, and hoping his performances would get better. Millions of viewers will concur with me on his entertainment value, as he survived all the way to the top 7. My question is, could he have gone farther? Did American Idol boot him before his time? After the top 12 results show , Sanjaya was gaining momentum each and every week. He was not even in the bottom three until he was voted off. Contestants such as Chris Richardson and Phil Stacy were consistently in the bottom three. However, when Sanjaya was voted off, these two were in the top bracket! Sanjaya had the support of Howard Stern, and his millions of fans. Sure, Stern does not have the audience he used to when he was on terrestrial radio, but he does have approximately five to six million. He urged his fans to vote early and often for the San-Man, and many did. They used any method available to register as many votes as possible for the loveable underdog. This is what may have lead to Sanjaya's demise. At the end of each American Idol broadcast, read the fine print. It says something to the affect that the producers have the final decision and the rights to disqualify any votes that appear to have been automated or unfair to give one contestant an advantage. Now, some Stern fans have admitted they used fiendish software to cast hundreds if not thousands of votes in one shot for Sanjaya. Were thousands of votes eliminated or disqualified? Look, sure American Idol lets us, the viewers, vote for the next superstar. However, do you really think they would let the least talented become the next idol? Sanjaya had fans, but he was not the best singer, not by a longshot. In the end, American Idol will do what's best for American Idol. Farewell Sanjaya. You will not be forgotten for at least another week or so, when your done with the talk show circuit.