Everyday we hear songs ... new songs, old songs ... we love some, we hate some ... and from those we love we don't want to miss a single word ... but understanding song lyrics is not always easy. The goal of lyrics sites is to help you discover the songs you love. As I was browsing the internet for casual song lyrics I ran into a lot of sites like lyrics.com, azlyrics.com, lyricsmania.com ... and others ... but what got my attention was this little site called lyricshunt.com. At first it looked like an ordinary lyrics site but when I clicked a couple of times I realized it had some tricks up his sleeve. Starting from an aritist/album/song search, continuing with a mixedsearch (e.g. http://www.lyricshunt.com/mixedsearch/50 cent/) and ending with the songs that were very accurate (at least the lyrics I was looking for). The idea of "hunting for lyrics" and people working together to make the "song lyrics world a better place" is a good idea.