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Can't get enough of Japanese puzzles? Well, seems like Mastersoft is hooked, too. Only months after the release of Mastersoft Sudoku, Mastersoft releases the new Mastersoft Kakuro. The object of the game is still the same as with the traditional kakuro puzzles, only this time, players solve the puzzles on a cooler interface. Mastersoft designed the game for Microsoft-equipped mobile phones such as the Windows Mobile and Pocket PC. A desktop version of the interactive kakuro p...
Arts and entertainment | Views: 40 | Автор: admin | Date: 25.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

There is no straight up, easy way in solving kakuro puzzles. You either sweat it out, thinking of possible combinations, or do the tedious paper and pencil method. Usually, people spend more time trying to think of combinations than actually filling in the puzzles. You know the buzz people get after solving kakuro puzzles? It usually comes after a person boasts of solving his puzzle just as his friends pointed out that he got double 8's in a single block. But there is a wa...
Arts and entertainment | Views: 37 | Автор: admin | Date: 25.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to watch your favourite's movies on your way to your destination instead? A portable DVD player allows you do just that. A portable DVD player really works well anywhere to keep children content and quite while Mom and Dad enjoy the silence. A portable DVD player is great for alleviating the boredom of long rides on the road.
Arts and entertainment | Views: 34 | Автор: admin | Date: 25.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

(Extended spoof, presented In 10 installments of 4 pages each. This is the sixth installment; previous ones are presented below each new installment, in case you miss one or more.) "Good. You won�t be sorry. She knows the material very nearly as well as I do.� With that, he handed Dan the issue of Playboy, and said, �Review the material while I get her.� �Yes, doctor,� Dan replied, and accepted his assignment. He looked over the centerfold, while Dr. Coburn went to get his guest instruc
Arts and entertainment | Views: 34 | Автор: admin | Date: 25.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

Then he headed for the door, as Melanie went upstairs. He drew it open, and said, �Dan, my boy, come in.� �Thank you, Dr. Coburn.� �How are things going?� �Great! Just great!� �Excellent,� Dr. Coburn exclaimed. �Tell me, how are you dealing with the numerous opportunities that seem to come your way?" �No problem.� �Haven't by any chance succumbed to any, have you?� �No, sir.� �Not even once?� �No, not once, sir,� he said, but his voice broke and he seemed remorseful. �What�s wrong, Dan?� �I only told you half the truth, sir.� �Half?� �I�m sorry. Help me! I need help!� Dr. Coburn closed the door to his den, and said consolingly, �Tell me all about it, son.� �I can�t believe it but it happened. I had a lapse.�
Arts and entertainment | Views: 39 | Автор: admin | Date: 25.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

�Excellent, Dan! See you today for your first class,� Dr. Richard Coburn told the university�s star football player, who had just called to sign up for the doctor�s controversial course in abstinence, which was based on his hot new book, Just Say No To Sex. Since Dan Fox, like many a star athlete, was much beloved by the girls, his call had surprised even the ebulliently confident doctor. Just as Dr. Coburn hung up, his lovely and voluptuous daughter, who was also his prize student, returned from class, pausing just long enough to wave good-bye to the latest throng of male admirers who hooted from a passing convertible.
Arts and entertainment | Views: 38 | Автор: admin | Date: 25.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

(Extended spoof, presented In 10 installments of 4 pages each. This is the fourth installment; previous ones are presented below each new installment, in case you miss one or more.) "But before I move on to the next section," Dr. Coburn told Dan, "let me point out that you actually have, not just three, but an entire armory of defensive words you can turn to.� �How do you figure?� �Consider all the things that you immediately associate with the words I gave you. For example, take Tyrannosaurus Rex. What comes to mind?� �Fossils," Dan replied tentatively. �Good. And?� �Bones.� �Very good,� Dr. Coburn commended him. �Now try Texaco.� �Gasoline." �And Mexico?� �Taco?� Dan wondered. �Terrific!� �Oh, I get it,� he said. �Taco, burrito, old bones, gasoline, self-service!" �Right! And what�s the principle behind what we�ve just discovered? The core words of your defensive system have ancillary associations that you can hurl against an encroaching enemy when and if the need should arise.� �Wow, talk about empowerment! I can think of associations all night.� �Good. But these words only constitute your first line of defense. Now that you�ve mastered them, it's time to move deeper into the Coburn Method, which brings us to my rock-solid Axioms of Abstinence. How are you holding up?� �I'm ready to go on.�
Arts and entertainment | Views: 35 | Автор: admin | Date: 25.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

(Extended spoof, presented In 10 installments of 4 pages each. This is the third installment; previous ones are available on this site and presented below each new installment at NewsLaugh, in case you miss one or more.)
Arts and entertainment | Views: 32 | Автор: admin | Date: 25.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

(Extended spoof, presented In 10 installments of 4 pages each. This is the second installment; previous ones are included on this site, in case you miss one.) "They all seem impressively genuine in their intentions," Dr. Coburn replied. "As young people are prone to do, they actually want to do their part to help save the world � and now they see a practical way to proceed.� �We shall see. But, even if you are able to inculcate your linguistic nonsense, how long do you expect they'll abstain before their fulminating libidos overwhelm your flimsy barricades?� �Until they are comfortably and safely married. I also assume that the most diligent students will continue to maintain a commendable degree of procreative moderation in wedlock.� �Please, they�d all be much safer simply using condoms.�
Arts and entertainment | Views: 37 | Автор: admin | Date: 25.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

Twelve multiple choice trivia questions about horses
Arts and entertainment | Views: 38 | Автор: admin | Date: 25.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

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