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Cancer: it's not a word that anyone really wants to hear. While not necessarily a death sentence, cancer is an illness that does have a high mortality rate depending on where in the body it strikes. Read on as we examine what can be done to head-off Colon Cancer, the third most common cancer.
Arts and entertainment | Views: 62 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

Collecting Native American pottery is enjoyable and rewarding. Learn what to look for when collecting Native American pottery.
Arts and entertainment | Views: 69 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

I love Mexican folk art! Whenever possible, I try to buy it directly from the artisans who create it. The pieces that speak to me, I keep and add to my own collection. The others, I share with family and friends as gifts, or sell to other collectors and home decor aficionados. Many people collect museum quality artwork by world renowned Mexican artists. Others choose practical items such as talavera dishes, hand-woven textiles or silver jewelry. Some prefer items of a cere...
Arts and entertainment | Views: 47 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

The beauty of the art collecting lottery is you can hang the ticket on your wall. A win, win situation, your wall decorations are working for you and all your friends can admire your taste.
Arts and entertainment | Views: 67 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

Children often enjoy collecting items just as much as adults do. They may want delightful figurines but parents are often hesitant due to the cost of them and the risk of such items getting broken. A good solution is to consider buying pewter figurines because they are in expensive and they won�t break. Your child can be rough with them as children often are without any risk of them getting injured in the process.
Arts and entertainment | Views: 66 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

Coaching celebrities is a great gig if you can get it. But expect to be flexible, available and hard working. It's also wise to be conservative in your billing. If you do a few of these things and more, you'll end up with a great client!
Arts and entertainment | Views: 63 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

"This house is so cluttered I can't find anything," said my husband. I looked around, and realized that most of the clutter was his, on that particular day, anyway. He seemed to be oblivious to that fact. He's not only a closet packrat, he builds guitars. He rebuilds guitars- guitars that don't quite meet his specifications when he buys them. Our living room is a guitar parts morgue. We could open up a store. They ought to make tables that have a slight angle...
Arts and entertainment | Views: 48 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

The dazzling costumes in NTDTV�s Chinese New Year Spectacular are as much a part of each dance as the dance movements themselves. They are, in many ways, the palette on which the dance is performed. Clothes, hair, colors�this is what transports us to the Divine Land of ancient China.
Arts and entertainment | Views: 60 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

After а few boom years the tattoo has become victim to fickle fashion tastes. One in eight Britons is estimated to have а tattoo, more than any other nation in Europe. But the tide has turned. Laser clinics in the UK are reporting record traffic to remove the body art as popularized bу stars such as David Beckham and Britney Spears.
Arts and entertainment | Views: 46 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

As a photographer, you are up against stiff competition when it comes to getting gigs or jobs. Newspapers, magazines, weddings, family and student photos � how do you reach the multitude of people who may be interested in hiring you? Portfolios are expensive and targeting the many different segments of the population who would benefit from your services is no simple marketing feat. By building your own photography website to showcase your work and your services, you handle...
Arts and entertainment | Views: 45 | Автор: admin | Date: 24.03.2009 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

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