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Postal Stamps
Pakistan Postal Stamp Collection It is not so obvious which stamp is the first issue of Pakistan. In 1854 East India Company issued the first modern postal system in South Asia. Before this issue, a local postage stamp was issued in 1852, known as "Scinde Dak". Scinde Dak is the oldest stamp in Asia and was used in Karachi City and remaining Sind regions. Since Karachi and Sind are part of Pakistan today, it is possible to claim that Scinde Dak is the first stamp of Pakistan. The East Indian issues of 1854 were used throughout the regions currently in Pakistan. However, since the notion of PAKISTAN did not exist at that period, it is theoretically difficult to call them (or Scinde Dak) the first stamp of Pakistan. The name PAKISTAN was invented around the 1930s to symbolize Muslim nations of the Indian Subcontinent: "P" from Punjab, "A" from Afghans (the majority of NWFP people), "K" from Kashmir, "S" from "Sind", and "TAN" from Baluchistan. Therefore, the first stamp of Pakistan, according to the orthodox classification among philatelists, is a set of British Indian stamps overprinted "PAKISTAN". Because of the turmoil due to the Partition of British India, the new state of Pakistan could not afford a commemorative stamp. One and a half months later, on 1 October 1947, new stamps of Pakistan were issued, which were British Indian stamps overprinted "PAKISTAN" by India's Printing Authority at Nasik. Pakistani people had to wait until July 1948 to have a set of new stamps printed for Pakistan. The photo on the right shows an 1 Re stamp from this set. This stamps is beautifully engraved with Urdu inscription reading "Long Live Pakistan." I would like to give to this issue the title of the first stamp of Pakistan. British Indian stamps overprinted "PAKISTAN" on Water Mark Single Star and Multiple Stars on King Edward VII, King George V, King George VI and Victory 1946, Brief Political & Geographical History, Chronological order of events, Local Machine Overprints, How to distinguish the different 'Overprints'? Nasik Print, Peshawar Print, Hybrid Print, Karachi Print, Battered Print, Worn out Print, Relative scarcity of ordinary stamps, Pre-Nasik hand stamps overprints from 15th August to October 1947, Machine overprints after Independence, Hand stamps on ordinary stamps, Typewritten overprints on ordinary stamps, Manuscripts on ordinary stamps, Used abroad ordinary stamps from Dubai, Muscat, Guadur and Bombay Foreign Paquebot, Pakistan Internal postal rates in 1947. The First Postmark "Pakistan Zindabad", King George VI high values sheet format, Karachi Print in Blue, King George VI Peshawar Print, Squat Print, Peshawar Print King George V and opts. on margin, Peshawar Print King George VI, The Indian Independence Act 1947, Pakistan Official Postage Stamps, Pre-Nasik overprints on Service stamps, Hand stamps overprints on KG VI Service stamps, Typewritten overprints on Service stamps, Manuscript overprints on Service stamps, Relative Scarcity of Service stamps, Nasik Print, Karachi Print, Peshawar Print, With 'N' narrow, heavy grotesque bold, King G VI overprinted in red, King G V overprinted in black, Opt. on margin, King G VI, Lahore Print Type I With 'N' broad is known in black on King G V & King G VI, Lahore Print Type II, Bahawalpur State Print opts. 'PAKISTAN', Hyderabad Sind Print, The Baluch Regiment 'Print', SERVICE Type 2- 6 and many more. 1947 to 31st Dec. 2003 with full details of Size, Designer, Pinter,Process, Format, Gum, Perforation, Imprint, Plate Number, Quantity, FDC, Leaflet, Colour, Errors and many more details of the Stamps, 228 Printed Pages on art paper 90 Gms, Size 180mm x 240mm (7.5 x 9.5 Inch) Covering Pakistan & Service and Bahawalpur & Service, at Rs. 700.00 within Pakistan & registered postage will be free and US$ 40.00 for all overseas countries. Recent stamps that are regularly available at post offices depict the father of the nation Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Low denominations have Islamic designs. High denominations are often commemorative stamps. The first charm of Pakistani stamps is its variety of themes found on commemorative stamps. In large post office in Pakistan, it is worthwhile to search a philatelic bureau window. You can buy various commemorative stamps at face values. You can find Himalayan mountains, endangered wildlife, cricket heroes, historic buildings, folk costumes, and so on. The Pakistan Post Office has a sound policy of limiting the motives of stamps to those with relevance to Pakistan. According to the Scott postage catalogue, about 750 stamps were issued between 1947 and 1990. Except for the high values of 1947 overprinted issues, no stamp has a big premium so that it is feasible to have a complete collection of postage stamps of Pakistan. If you buy Pakistan stamps in bulk, you will find a number of stamps inscribed "SERVICE". They are called official stamps and issued for the postal payment by government agencies. For serious collectors of Pakistan stamps, becoming a member of Pakistan Postal Stamp Collection Website. This website is designed for Pakistan postal stamp promotion in world.
Category: Arts and entertainment | Added: admin (25.03.2009)
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