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Pictures: One Of Life's Best Gifts
The older I get, the more I am thankful for the great gift of photography and the ability we have to take pictures of life's most special and ordinary events. Perhaps I am aware of the value of pictures because my father was a photographer and so I was raised around cameras and pictures all the time. I'm not sure, I just know that I am convinced that everyone would do well to make pictures a more prominent thing in their life. I talk to many people who have trouble remembering the details of their childhood or of some of the most significant events of their lives. This saddens me greatly because I do not think that it has to be this way. I think that regardless of whether or not you have a lot of pictures from your past, anyone can start now to take pictures and make memories of their life from this point forward. Taking memorable pictures doesn't mean that you have to be a professional photographer or that you need to have years of experience. All you need to have is an eye for capturing the memories that happen everyday in your life. A great first step is to head out and get a couple of disposable cameras. If you're surprised that I am encouraging you to get dispoable cameras rather than a "real" camera, then read on. I suggest this because disposable cameras are an easy and cheap way to begin practicing taking pictures. Don't jump into purchasing an expensive camera until you are comfortable taking the most basic pictures. If you know anyone that is a bit more experienced with taking good pictures, hook up with them and see what you can learn. Other than just plain practicing taking your own pictures, the next best thing you can do is to join with other photographers and learn what you can. You might be surprised how quickly you learn to take great pictures that will become great memories for you and your family. Grab an album to begin collecting the pictures you take. As you gather pictures I think that you'll begin to really value them in a whole new way. I think you'll value pictures as you realize that life is short and goes quickly and that you will be greatly aided in remembering by taking pictures. So grab a camera and start taking pictures. The rest of your life could easily be changed.
Category: Arts and entertainment | Added: admin (25.03.2009)
Views: 48 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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