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Photography Q&A: The Basics Of Developing Photographs
* Can I develop my own photographs? Yes, you can. By having your own darkroom, it is possible that you can develop your own photos. You first need to set up your own darkroom and buy darkroom equipment. * What equipment and supplies do I need in a darkroom? A darkroom requires many kinds of equipment to get you started in developing your photos. It is expensive, so you should prepare a sufficient amount of money to get into this hobby. The darkroom necessities are: � Enlarger � Negative carrier � Lens Board � Lens � Safelight � Print trays � Timer � Thermometer � Funnel � Chemical jugs � Developer, stop, fixer � Printing paper � Mixing rod � Print squeegee � Dust brush � Graduates � Negative Storage � Dark Bag/ Dark room � Film tank � Film reels � Film Above is the equipment you need for a darkroom. However, you still need additional equipment to set up a complete darkroom above and beyond the former, which includes: � Paper cutter � Color print drum � Motor base for print drum or rotary processor � Color head or filters � Color printing paper � Color chemicals � Jugs and graduates for color chemistry � Color print viewing filter kit � Light table � Dry mount press � Mounting tissue � Bulk film loader � Film cassettes � Darkroom sink � Water board � Film drier � Print drier � Toners � Jugs for toners � Exposure/color analyzer � Repeating printing timer � Photo Oils/pencils � Print tongs � Hypo clear, photo-flow � Easel � Polycontrast Filters � Film clips � Print washer � Blotter book � Projection scale � Antistaticum � Canned air � Loupe � Cropping guide � Film washer � Cotton gloves � Spotting dyes � Spotting brush � Contact printer � Grain focuser * What makes a good darkroom? A good darkroom should be light-proof, spacious, have dry and wet areas, have ventilation, have bench space, be organized, have a safe light, and be comfortable to work in. Since you will be working with chemicals, it is important that you have enough space to maneuver to avoid tripping over dangerous chemicals.
Category: Arts and entertainment | Added: admin (25.03.2009)
Views: 43 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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