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Photography Business
The very first thing to do if you want to make money from your photographs is learn how to create great images. In the world of fashion photography - sharpness sells. The subject of how to take a great image is too complex for this article, however the following points are important: � Have a good camera with manual controls. � Know how to use it and use it well. � Have a good eye for detail, composition and color. � Always be ready to grab an opportunity when it presents itself. If you happen to be driving through amazing Canadian roads and come across a deer (or a bunch of them), get your camera! Watch for sunsets, moonrise, cloud formations and tree shapes. Keep a sharp eye on your pets for weird and funny poses. Visit flower shops and exhibitions. Flower pictures are many photographers� bread and butter and they can be easily photographed. Greeting card markets love photos of flowers, gardens, sunsets, sky scrapers and cute photos of animals. Wildlife and nature are great for calendars and geographic magazines as well as educational fields. Diversity and quality are the biggest aspects in photography. The wider the range of topics you cover, the more likely you will get a sale. Anyone can make a good living from stock photos. Freelance photographer Dmitri Markine sells just as many photos taken from his own backyard as from exotic and far away locations. If you love travelling, put your holidays to work for you. Travel guides, brochures and websites could be possible markets for your photos. Take photographs everywhere you go! So what to do with that fantastic shot? The edges are sharp as razor, while the clarity would bring joy to many publishers; the main thing to aim for with any image is to sell it to multiple markets. This is taken care of if you submit to a stock agency. They sell to large corporations as well as small business. It�s a perfect way to gain some exposure and see what�s out there. You don�t have to be responsible for selling your own stuff, but to have more sales, it�s always good to try to sell the photos yourself (websites,galleries,etc). It is important for any photographer to keep a portfolio of his work to show. You never know when you�ll meet a prospective buyer who wants to look at your work. No one will not be impressed if you have to dig through a dusty desk to scrape them together or use email to send them to clients. Have a printed portfolio as well as a web based portfolio. When you do get a sale, don�t charge a large amount just because the picture only took a few minutes of your time. You�ve spent years learning your craft. You spend a considerable amount on equipment, advertising and education and your photos are worth a decent figure. If you really know what you are talking about and can take a fantastic shot, think of submitting it to a publication or a magazine, along with all the details of the precise equipment you used and a step-by step guide of your procedure. A bit of a challenge perhaps, but worth the effort. There are many other markets to consider too; all kind of magazines, newspapers, travel guides and books. So grab your camera and don�t stop shooting! Photography is an art and the more you practice the better you will become. No famous photographers became like that overnight. We all spent sleepless nights perfecting our craft
Category: Arts and entertainment | Added: admin (25.03.2009)
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