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Perfect Party Themes
Very few people know how to party or celebrate well. Think about all of the parties you have attended in the past couple of years. What sticks out from them? If they were fun, why? If you would dread going to the parties again, why do you think that is? Can you remember elements of the parties that were unique, or did they all pretty much seem the same? I have been to a lot of parties in my life, although very few of them are memorable. I think one of the best ways to make a unique and truly fun party is to start with great party themes. Out of the maybe one hundred parties I have been to, only one or two of them have had great party themes. Most of the parties did not have a theme at all. I think that we could learn a lot about planning great parties if we began the planning with great party themes. Party themes have such a huge potential in making parties fun because they focus the party around a particular idea or concept. Starting with great party themes allows you to have details such as food, decorations, games, and even costumes if you are really daring, to all centered around the same party theme. What fun it can be to arrive at a party and see that everything from the napkins to the attire of the hosts has been planned and done with intention. I guess that one of the main things that bugs me about most parties is that they seem to be thrown together at the last minute. Don't get me wrong, sometimes last minute parties can be fun, but usually I prefer a party with a little more intentionality. Party themes can be easy and fun to determine. Think first about the guests that you will invite to your party. Try to have party themes that fit the ages, hobbies and interests of your guests. Not many thirty year olds will enjoy a barbie themed party (unless of course it is done as a satiric celebration). Shoot for party themes that are appropriate for your guests and for the occasion of the party. Party themes for a birthday will likely look different than anniversary or graduation parties. In order to plan great parties with great party themes you will have to get creative. It might take a little extra work, but I guarentee that you and your guests will be raving about the great party themes for weeks afterward.
Category: Arts and entertainment | Added: admin (25.03.2009)
Views: 42 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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