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Netflix Teaches Hollywood The 'Everyone' Myth
We all know what happens when companies try to position their latest greatest new product as that something for everyone: Despite all the hoopla, everyone just won't cooperate. I.e. they don't buy. Happens in the movie business, too. The New York Times reports: "While the studios spend their energy promoting...blockbusters aimed at everyone, Netflix has been catering to what people really want -- and helping to keep Hollywood profitable in the process." Americans have VERY different tastes. There's nothing for everyone. Or even, most everyone. To prove it, the owner of Netflix posed this question: Of the 60,000 titles Netflix has on DVD, how many do you think are rented at least once on a typical day? Those who think that everyone likes the same movies guess low - 1,000, say. But this is not even close to the real story. Americans are broken up into many little market slivers...Netflix owner Reed Hastings reports: "35,000 - 40,000 [different] titles are rented out at least once on a typical day." Talk about the non-existence of 'everyone' from the movies perspective. So, yes, find people like you. The community of like-minded people that you're already part of. E.g. you might be someone who knows you need nutritional supplements because there's not enough nutrition in the food we eat anymore, even if it is organic. So you ask for those people, with that worldview. Huge market. Includes me. Kind of like finding people to play tennis with - don't you look for the ones who already play? Or inviting friends over for a night of movies. For that special Netflix movie you just rented, don't you pick just the ones who you know will enjoy watching it? We are not all the same. Sounds obvious, doesn't it? Companies: Get over it. Everyone will not go nuts about your latest new products or that new division. Only SOME will. Let reps focus on the products that turn THEM on. Stop acting like they should market your entire product line. They're not a department store. Let them market the products THEY love to others. Reps: If you have babies, encourage them to lead with the products THEY are excited about. Skip the rest for now. And for yourself, market the one or two that matter most to you - where you have an authentic story to tell others. Why else would anyone else give you ear? Remember - after someone else likes your favorite product too, you can count on them to ask you the orgasmic question: "What else do you have?" So let's get over everyone, think? After all, even Ford Motor finally did.
Category: Arts and entertainment | Added: admin (25.03.2009)
Views: 31 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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