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Make Your Website Something Worth Coming Back To
I am no Internet �Guru.� I do hope that ~ if I visit your website ~ I will find 1st what I am looking for, and 2nd a reason to return to your site at another time. While this may fly in the face of many who know much more about Internet marketing than I ever will, I hope to encourage those who maybe ~ have a small business or personal website that ~ feel like they have failed to reach the masses. Please understand, this is my opinion only. Until and if I get some feedback to convince me otherwise, I will no doubt keep it :) Anyway, I like websites that give me a reason to bookmark them. Like most surfers, I am looking for the perfect wave. Okay, even if I will never find it, I still want to catch a big one. Maybe, I am also interested in making a little ~ OR A LOT OF MONEY ~ working on my home computer? If so, I have probably been disappointed several times already. I know that I told myself, � I�ll never try anything like this again, ever! Several times�� But ~ of course ~ I did. Until I finally found a couple of �Keepers,� I just thank heavens that I didn�t dirty up my website or tarnish my reputation by foisting �Losers� on other people. Of this, I am thankful, although I�ll admit I was tempted ~ before I determined that they didn�t deliver what I thought that they had promised. I feel, if we �Rip someone in cyberspace off,� we may never have a chance to pay him or her back. As I was meditating how to wrap~up this brief article, I went outside onto the patio. An eager squirrel had found and fiendishly opened both ends of a five pound bag of wild bird feed. At first, I was disappointed. No, I was pissed! It was a mess! Then, a little sparrow came down ~ landing right at my feet ~ to consider wheather or not the treat was worth the trouble. If the reward was in perportion to the risk. She looked around for maybe a minute before deciding I was safe. She hopped in to begin ~ with but a small peck ~ to sample her discovery. I realised that first time visitors to many websites must feel the same way. The sparrow didn�t attempt to consume all of the seed before departing. Yet, I know that she will return. I even believe that she will invite others to share in her good fortune. Isn�t that exactly what many of us hope for our websites? That we make our website something worth coming back to? Russ Miles is a creationist. He has created and maintains an ever evolving website While understanding that not every person who visits will find the desert that they seek, Russ attempts to offer a changing menu that can satisfy the diverse appetites of varied visitors. The author of two poetry books, Beacon� and Imperfections�, Russ has recently published a thriller mystery novel, For Sale By Owners:FSBO�, which is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other fine book stores. Comments:
Category: Arts and entertainment | Added: admin (25.03.2009)
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