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In Response To Miniaturization, Human Hands Get Smaller
Scientists report that human hands, which must currently struggle with ever smaller keypads and buttons on high-tech paraphernalia, have begun to grow smaller. Unfortunately, the adaptation is not yet complete, and most human beings are still encumbered with normal-size hands. As a result, they must put up with a certain amount of infuriating digital clumsiness. Ever attentive to how they might help improve the human body, plastic surgeons have begun to offer a variety of hand-reduction procedures, which range from the conservative approach of washing them in hot water and then desiccating them with hairdryers to the more radical procedure of hand-reduction surgery. One eminent plastic surgeon noted, �Many people don�t realize the mental and physical toll it takes on a person with a normal-size hand to deal with a cell phone or other piece of high-tech equipment that looks as if it was designed for a midget. My guess is that the reduction in stress that these new procedures allow will also lead to greater longevity, due to an expected reduction in blood pressure and heart attacks.� A delighted early adapter of hand-reduction surgery commented, �Wow, now my hands are so small I can whiz around the keypads on my stuff like an ant with ten legs. I�m looking forward to new gizmos that will be even smaller. I�m all ready for them.� There have been some notable holdouts, where large hands are a real plus, particularly among jazz pianists and basketball players.
Category: Arts and entertainment | Added: admin (25.03.2009)
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