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Haryana sex ratio "An untold story
The sex ratio is the humane index of any society .It mean how humane is that particular society. The Sex ratio is not merely statistics game that how many women are behind 1000 men. It is beyond this. In this story we try to set new parameter for word sex ratio in head counting system of Indian census department. The sex ratio is very simple word mean number ratio between males and females of any country or state. It is very vital statistics of any census report, because on this statistics whole of family planning & other applied planning of any country or state is depended. If it reflexes wrong or misinterpretation of any core statistics, how devastating it can be one can easily understand. In this story we have taken case study of Haryana state (India). The Haryana has its population 21082989(2001 census). When we bifurcate this figure in males and females then its as follow 9755311 women, 11327658 men. It simply means there is 861women behind 1000men in the state as per 2001 census. As compare to this in 1991 (ten year ago) this sex ratio was 865, which is�4� more than of 2001 level (861). The states, center government & all other planning agencies are claimed working hard to minimize the sex gap of population. The pre-natal diagnostics techniques Act (PNDT) 1996 was forced by states & center government to check the misuse of these medical techniques. More & more grants are given to those NGOs to work in this field. Particularly in Haryana where govt. claimed that by its pro women a programme likes Apni beti apna dhan, Devi rupak yogna & enforcement of PNDT act has minimize the declining of women in the statewide. Sex ratio has come down only �4� in 10 years. But going through further this �861&4�figures stand nowhere near reality. Which is giving eleventh hour warning to the nation, where women are worshipped as Durga, Saraswati and luxmi.which is clear shown in following table. SEX RATIO TABLE FOR ALL AGE& 0-6YEARS POPULATIONS Year State (all age) Rural (all age) Urban (all age) State (0-6y) Rural (0-6y) Urban (0-6y) 1991 865 864 868 870 878 860 2001 861(-4) 866(+2) 847(-21) 820(-50) 823(-55) 808(-52 According to this table in 1991 the sex ratio among 0-6 years age group was 870 for state level, 878 for rural&860 for urban in the state. Where as corresponding statistics to above after ten years in 2001 has come down to 820,823&808 respectably. The 0-6 years age group was selected because it is the future population of state i.e. which is core deciding factor for national family planning policies makers to reduce the gender gap in population of country. But this important factor of census is not highlighted in Indian census operation in past or in present one. If we see huge gap between 861/1000 for all ages group population and 820/1000 for 0-6year age group. Than even laymen can easily understand the urgency to fill up the gender gap of population, as soon as possible to make wheel of growth going for human race in state & country. In state how this gender gap is going on the following table is very useful. DISTRICT 1991 2001 DIFF. AMBALA 868 782 -86 BHIWANI 879 841 -38 FARIDABAD 839 850 +11 FATIABAD 884 818 -34 GURGOAN 873 858 -15 HISSAR 851 832 -19 JIND 852 818 -34 JHAJJAR 847 801 -46 KAITHAL 853 791 -62 KARNAL 865 809 -56 KURUSHETRA 866 771 -95 MAHINDERGRAH 918 818 -100 PANCHKULA 823 829 +6 PANIPAT 829 809 -20 REWARI 899 811 -88 ROHTAK 847 799 -48 SIRSA 882 817 -65 SONIPAT 831 788 -43 YAMUNANAGAR 862 806 -56 Above table clearly indicate that except two districts nchkula & Faridabad rest of 17 districts has far less sex ratio in 0-6 years age group population as compare to 1991 level. Which is very sad part of our story. Thus telling half-truth is always harmful. It is better not to tell rather than half. It makes a man less sensitive towards situation, which occurs when full truth comes into light. By presenting real picture of declining sex ratio to the people, we can make them think of this problem. Rather by lipstick methods like PNDT act, Apni beti apna dhan etcetera. There is still gap left for us to meet. by- Dinesh Singh Rawat(Special Correspondant)
Category: Arts and entertainment | Added: admin (24.03.2009)
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