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Get Tickets before the general public
Getting tickets before the general public isn�t available for every event. But for a select few concerts and some of the major sporting events you can get tickets before everyone else. The first thing you need to do is check whether or not your event has a presale. Go to ticketmaster or and search for your event. If your event has a presale it will tell you on the right side of the page right below the public sale time. Next, visit and check if the presale password is available. If it is available, you can purchase it through this website. Once you purchase the presale password, you can enter the presale password in the presale box and get your tickets before the general public. is a trusted presale information service. If you sell tickets, this is a great resource also. Presale information can also be found through specific radio stations and venues. If you can find it through one of those places then you will not need to pay for the information. Sometimes ticketmaster will tell you the sponsor of the presale, in which case you can simply visit their website and try to find the presale password yourself.
Category: Arts and entertainment | Added: admin (24.03.2009)
Views: 51 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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