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Find out in which countries you are popular, and in which you are not!
Everyone loves the feeling of being popular, for various reasons. Some like the attention while others feel like it's a way for the world to show that is knows of their accomplishments. Others love to be popular for simple reasons like getting to know more people and making friends. So have you ever windered where in the world you are the most poular? Then why not create a profile on It's just three clicks away! Registering on the site is very easy, simply fill in your details, which includes your name, location, emaila ddress and age. You can then upload up to 5 photos of yourself. Once you have registered as a member on the site, you can start viewing profiles of other members and rate them on a scale of one to eight, after which you will see where in the world they are popular. If you are only interested in voting for a certain age or sex you can simply filter which profiles you get to rate. Similarly, members from different countries will rate your picure! The more points you get from a certain nationality, the more your popularity increases in that country. You can then check out in which countries you have become popular. The site�s system keeps a tab on the ratings given to you by members of a particular country and then shows you in which countries you are the most popular. All this data will be presented to you by's special map. Hence if you have got the maximum number of points from the Japanese, then you are shown as most popular in Japan on the map. Similarly there is a table below the map with the countries in which you are most popular and the country in which you are least popular so far. You can also check out the rankings of people in different regions such as who is ranked number 1 in the Asia region, the Americas, Europe, etc. by clicking "Top lists". Off course, the top ten rankings will keep on changing depending on the number of votes that gets cast. And perhaps most amazingly, on the front page of you there is a map with the total data of all votes cast! This means that, for the first time, you can see specific data on which nationality is considered most beautiful in the world. And of course, which nationality is the least popular. Go on to right away and begin to check out the profiles and maps. It's one of the most innovative and entertaining pastimes you can have today. Check out the beautiful girls or the hunky boys and vote as much as you can. Who knows? Pehaps you could be super-popular, if you just found the right place to live!
Category: Arts and entertainment | Added: admin (24.03.2009)
Views: 46 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
Total commments: 0
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