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ARTURO EL REY - Book Review
This large (378 pages), fantasy-adventure novel should give best selling authors like Stephen King heavy competition. Fantastically interwoven with elements of King Arthur�s realm, including a little Arthurian romance, Arturo el Rey will keep the reader captivated. The main character, Art Reyes, escapes gang life and joins the Marines � but when terrorists release the devastating plague, there was no government left to for him to serve. Survival of mankind is tentative at best, due to the drugged-up gangs of angry, distraught people attacking defenseless plague survivors. Brutality and recklessness have reduced the number of women, preserved food is dwindling, fuel is sparse while life-saving and pain-killing drugs are being consumed by stressed out survivors at an alarming rate. One safe haven is created by a ruthless man who rules with an iron fist. In the meantime, Art struggles to find meaning in the haunting dreams that leave him with a feeling he has a purpose to fulfill. As he strives to find some balance between surviving the elements and violence and retaining freedom, Art accidentally discovers himself. Thrown into the position of leader and possibly the savior of civilization, Art battles rivalries and evil men. I can quite safely say this is one of the better books that I have ever read. Joan Hall kept me captivated from page one and on. I felt torn when I had to set the book down and deal with life! An excellent read that I heartily recommend to anyone who enjoys the adventure and fantasy genre. ISBN#: 1554102587 Author: Joan Upton Hall Publisher: Zumaya Otherworlds ~ Lillian Brummet - Book Reviewer - Co-author of the book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment � Author of Towards Understanding, a collection of poetry. (
Category: Arts and entertainment | Added: admin (24.03.2009)
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