When It Is Time To Move From Shared Hosting To Dedicated Server
Many websites are hosted by a shared hosting site when they are first created, allowing the individual to have quality web hosting for a low price. This allows the individual to slowly grow their website without having to pay a great deal of money to have the site hosted. This is especially important for start up businesses, as the business may not see a profit for the first six months to one year after the business has been started. So how does an individual or a company know when it is time for their websites to move from shared hosting to a dedicated server? There are several indications that can alert the individuals when this move may be necessary. Moving to a dedicated server is the next logical step from having the website hosted by a shared hosting environment. Having the information on a dedicated server gives the individual total control over their site and allows them the freedom to expand their site as quickly as they want. At anytime during your dedicated server hosting it is possible to add more bandwidth, memory and processor speeding increasing. It also reduces the possibility that the server will be slowed down or crash due to the actions of the websites of others. With shared hosting, there are often many different websites, sometimes hundreds, which are being hosted on the same server. If any one of those sites starts requiring additional bandwidth, then all of the sites hosted by that particular server will begin to run slower or may even crash due to the unexpected strain on the server. Even though a shared hosting environment is less expensive, if reliability is needed the individual will be better off and recommendable moving to a dedicated server. Moving from shared hosting to a dedicated server will also allow the individual to install software and hardware that would otherwise be restricted by the shared hosting site due to concerns about security and additional hosting costs. While some hosting providers will allow you to switch operating systems this is generally not recommended. Included in this list is the additional memory that will be needed to help your website grow. Moving form shared hosting to a dedicated server also allows the website to run more calculations and more processes at the same time without having to worry about the server crashing. If the website suddenly increases in popularity, there is less chance of the site running slow or not running at all due to the increased number of individuals that are using the site. It is always recommendable to choose only the options which needed in a reliable dedicated server. Many provider companies also offer fully customized dedicated server plans or build you own dedicated server, consequently you only pay for the features used. There are a number of web hosting companies available that will allow you the use of a dedicated server for a nominal fee and this may just be the best business move that you can make.