Spyware installs yourself into your computer through other program installers. These include peer-to-peer networks from where we download music, drive-by downloads that deliver spyware to you via an Active X control, and greeting card sites that ask you to download a greeting card viewer and spyware crawls in instead. Spyware is an uninvited guest on our computers - and if we knew exactly how it is going to affect our system, we would obviously never consent to install it. This is why it uses all sorts of nasty ways to insinuate itself into our computer. How does it do it? Spyware may pretend to be a virus like a Trojan but that's not what it is. It manages to get into your system easily and by the time you know it is there, it is already settled in too well. Ways In Which Spyware Can, And Will, Sneak Into Your System Spyware rides with other program installers. Take those peer-to-peer networks from where we download music. You'll find that there are loads of free programs that install suspicious spyware along with what you thought you installed. This can easily end up in a system crash for you or your private information being hacked. Why does this happen? Because the end-user license agreement of all software applications quietly takes your consent to install third party software along with the main software. These license agreements are so long and complicated and they don't word anything clearly. There are drive-by downloads that deliver spyware to you via an Active X control. This loads the moment you visit the spyware ridden web page. Your browser will ask you for permission to install. And it will keep on asking until you just agree. The rest - along with your pc - is history. If you exit the site completely, there's hope. Otherwise the spyware just settles in your system to do its dirty work. Seasons Greetings With Spyware There are greeting card sites that direct you to a link to a website to view your card. Once there, they ask you to download a greeting card viewer. There's your spyware, just waiting to be let in. Then it mails everyone in your address book, simply because you gave it permission by agreeing to a license without reading it! Spyware comes disguised under several other authentic sounding names like wininstaller or a familiar-sounding file name that you might not stop when you see it installing. These are easy to overlook. They are so efficient that they even update themselves regularly. These spyware will not even uninstall properly when you try. Whatever their type, spyware and adware are irritating and they slow down your PC taking up space on your hard disk by crowding it with waste that points you out to shady advertisers. Spyware and adware are serious threats and dangerous tools. The only way to get rid of them is to use a totally reliable antispyware and adware removal package from a tried and tested reliable vendor.