Time schedules are packed solid these days for most of us. Can you easily set aside time for some old-fashioned reading? Bet it�s a chore to do it. Yet, without reading any books, learning�s put on the proverbial back burner. Have you been missing fun and entertainment reading, too? There is a solution to this problem. MP3 books and the progress in computer technologies are here to help all of us who crave to be well-read regardless of time demands. Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and other top business speakers of America have mentioned the phrase "university on wheels" in their presentations countless times. First, the hidden magic behind the phrase doesn�t sink in at all. �So what, there�s nothing new or revolutionary about it,� you may say. But, once you give it deeper attention, there opens a new world of possibilities. And it all happens effortlessly over relatively a short period of time. What the top speakers are referring to is the powerful value you get from listening to professional recorded books while driving to and from work every morning. You see, instead of �wasting� as many as 2 or often more hours every single day while commuting to work; now you have a choice that can swiftly change your life. Some people turn on the radio while driving to work and spend the time listening to music or the news. There�s nothing wrong with that. Now, though, here is a fact worth considering. Did you know that just by listening to various quality recorded books every morning, as you commute to work, can help you turn into an expert on that topic within a short period of time? It�s like going through a private university without the financial and have-to-attend-lectures needs. Worth considering, isn�t it? Especially with the flexibility recorded books offer. I know the idea might not make sense to you just yet, but stay with me while I try to explain why I said that. Think about it, in some university degree programs, students spend no more than 10 hours weekly attending their lectures. And after a few years they get their degrees framed on the wall. And what do they mostly do during these 10 hours each week? You guessed it � they mainly "listen" to their lecturers to be able to write their exams. Many people miss this fact. You can get the same value from just listening to the right audio books. And that�s in the field or area of expertise you want to learn about minus writing the exams. I realize that no university will give you a degree certificate after you have completed your chosen recorded books. But as they say, knowledge is power. And specialized knowledge put to good use is the winning ticket of how to get ahead in today�s world. Did you know there are certain professional audio book programs that will give you exams after completing their training programs... and will give you a certificate for passing their course? Many such certificates can be used in certain places to give evidence of your expertise in that area. You turned a specialized expert in what interests you? And all the transformation occurred while you were driving and barely noticed it? In that case, why would you continue to "waste" valuable time on your daily commute? As they say, you can "kill 2 birds with one stone" by using the same hours to learn a new skill. How about a new business idea, a new profession perhaps? To start, ask yourself what new skill or expertise you�d love to learn. When you�ve picked a few topics of interest, hop online and search for recorded books or MP3 books you�d like to start with. Once you grab them, you can start your "university on wheels" program next time you drive to and from work. Recorded books come in downloadable MP3 formats, on CDs, or cassettes. Today�s brilliant technologies give you choices hard to ignore. Come to think of it, even if you don't drive to work, you can easily do it. Grab a portable CD, cassette or Mp3 player and still benefit from your "digital university on wheels" program �cause audio books can go with you anywhere - anytime. The �wheels� can even be the ones on your rollerblades, bicycle, or a skateboard. Become an expert on any topic through the transformational power of MP3 books. The process of how to do it is simple. All you need to do is to follow through on your decision to become one. You�ll be amazed what recorded books can do for you.