The old ways of communication may have been slightly more personal, but I don't think anyone could state that they offered a quick way to communicate. New technologies offer great ways to send out a mass message through your email provider or through standard SMS messaging. It may seem unprofessional, at first, to rely on such methods. But they are unquestionably a great way to quickly get general messages out to all of your customers, clients, and employees. Just think of all the options currently available for communication today. Email and SMS are obviously faster methods than their alternatives. Phone calls are expensive and often a pain to make. If you have to call a real chatterbox your little five-minute message might pull you into a two hour discussion on the meaning of the universe. Letters are barely an option anymore except for serious documents and messages that really need to be written down. For everything else though, you will have to use a faster method of communication. Email and SMS messaging both offer really fast communication at a level that cannot be beaten easily. Emails have revolutionized the way that two people can communicate. Email messages can travel thousands of miles in the matter of seconds, letting news spread at the speed of light. Text messaging is also a huge development as brief messages may be quickly typed during brief moments of downtime. You can easily send a little note to a friend or contact while waiting for the crosswalk light to change or while you're waiting in line for the copy machine. It should be easy to see how these can be effectively used to send messages to one person. Therefore, it makes sense that emails and SMS messages should be very effective on a large scale if you're able to do mass messaging on either format. Email is probably one of the easiest forms to expand to mass messaging on. You can just add emails from your address book to the receiver section of the email message. Most applications have processes in place for mass selections or group selections to help expedite the process. This will work very well for when you need to get one message out to a large group of people. Copying and pasting the same message over and over again just wastes time, and memos are often buried under the stack of papers that continuously flood everyone's desk. An email should be quick to spot, free to send, and easy to read. SMS messaging would just take this a step further. The digital age means that just about everyone will carry their cell phone or mobile phone around with them at all times. This means that a text message will be received almost instantaneously under any circumstances. Using a little service or a phone's built in service to send out a quick mass message will let you save your thumbs from a lot of unneeded strain. Both mass SMS messaging and mass email messaging can let you take advantage of an established medium to quickly send out your basic messages and bulletins to employees and friends. It may not be good for personal messages, but nothing can beat it for an all purpose heads up message.