Are you a parent? Do you want to monitor you child�s computer? Here, I think I can recommend you a good software to help you. The newest versionof the world�s premier chat logging and monitoring software is now available�chat wqtch 5! Compare to chat watch 3 and 4, chat watch 5 has many new features and enhancements and we can import chat watch 3 and chat watch 4 into chat watch 5 easily. That is a very practical program that each parent should own now. Chat watch 5 is an instant message monitoring and logging software fo today�s most popular instant messengers. With this software, we can monitor all the instant messaages sent and received on the computer and then organize the chat logs, and we can log all chats on AOL Instant Messenger, Google Talk, ICQ, MSN/Windows Live Messenger, and Yahoo! Messenger. With this software, we can search the chat logs by category, keyword, user, date, and instant messenger; we can use plugins function to add support for logging other instant messengers quickly and easily; we can view the chat logs in real-time remotely suing chat watch with chat and synchronize with chat too; if we want to view the chat logs on the mobile, we can use chat watch mobile edition; those unwanted chat logs will be moved to the thash before they are deleted permanently; it�s very fashion, it can be used in windows vista system. In this software, it�s acronym translator function can replace obscure acronyms with their meanings quickly. For example, replace AFK with away form keyboard and it offer a full list of acronyms. The software can monitor the content. The content monitor can highlight those chats which may contain offensive words and notify us via e-mail of the chats. Moreover, we can add custom words to the content monitor watch list. We can save the chat logs as PDF documents and print it within chat watch. Now, the chat watch SPEAR Edition is available. This version is for investigations especially. So, those people who must be an agent or a representative of a law enforcement agency can get a trial kit. Its development is very quickly.