After you have successfully created your website, the next task for you would be to find the right web hosting company to host your website and make it visible to the internet users. This is no easy task either. With the growth in the number of online businesses, the number of web hosting providers have also increased. In fact, web hosting has become a business on its own. New web hosting companies keep emerging on the internet every month. Each of these web hosting companies provides web space with different features and tools included. Prices of each web hosting service also vary. Since the type of website required for each business is different, the tools required for maintaining the website will also be different. Hence, you must choose the web hosting service which provides enough web space at decent prices along with the tools that you require for operating it. There are two types of web hosting providers �free and paid. Free providers provide you web space at no cost. However, they have the right to post their ads on your webpage. Moreover, the web space obtained from free providers is just enough to host your personal home page and it also may not contain additional tools or support features. On the other hand, paid web hosting providers give you a lot of additional options. Apart from hardware and software support, they provide tools for you to for tasks like integration with payment gateways, installation of SSL certificates, autoresponders and RSS feeds, etc. The type of web hosting provider that you choose depends on the type of online business you want to set up. For instance, free web hosting may be sufficient to put your hobby into practice or set up a personal home page for yourself. It does not provide the liberty to run major applications. If it is your intention to do something on a professional basis, you would like to have your own web server for this purpose. In that case, go for a paid web hosting service. As discussed earlier, free web hosting providers post ads of their liking on your websites, which acts as a distraction to your customers, diverting their attention from the main theme of the website. There are also a number of restrictions put up by these providers regarding web space usage. On the other hand, paid web hosting services offer more storage space with fewer restrictions at decent prices.