There is nothing that will make a person feel more insecure than when a stranger hands them a digital photo camera, and asks them to capture a picturesque, once-in-a-lifetime moment. People go on photo camera shopping trips to find a digital camera that feels comfortable and does what they expect it to. Handling a camera that you are unfamiliar with, however, leaves something to be desired. Operating someone else�s digital camera, that you know nothing about, is a very awkward moment, at best. The digital camera functions are foreign to those who do not use them regularly, or are not up-to-speed on the latest advancements in digital photography. If you are not sure if you could center the event in the center of the viewfinder, it might be best if the people found another picture candidate to take your place. On digital camera shopping trips in the past, you had developed a certain concept of what the buttons were meant to do, but you did not know much more than that. When people get to the point that they feel uncomfortable about not knowing how to operate a digital camera, and when they go on digital photo camera shopping trips to bring them up-to-date on the technology that baffles them so much. When they are through with the photo camera shopping trips, they have learned enough to be able to handle any type of photo taking opportunity that comes their way. There are lessons to be learned on digital photo camera shopping trips in the areas of purchasing a digital camera by type, by price, or by megapixels count that go from 3 megapixels to 8 megapixels and up. Some people want to find out about which digital photo camera would be best for making still photos into video presentations. Other people are quite content to remain unaware and are happy purchasing a cheap, point and shoot camera on their digital photo camera shopping trips. Before leaving on any digital photo camera shopping trips, people prefer to familiarize themselves on all of the different aspects that surround digital photo camera picture taking. They will find several Internet magazine sites that cover all of the technological advances that have occurred in digital cameras. They will search for reviews from people that have purchased digital photo camera�s and try to determine the best way to approach their digital photo camera shopping trips. Getting organized before going on digital photo camera shopping trips, might require that you identify what you plan to do with the digital photo camera you are fixing to purchase. If buying a cheap digital photo camera for under $250 will meet your needs, then you will have to become familiar with all of the entry-level features and performance that a budget camera will provide. If you are a business traveler, you might need to consider whether a ultra-compact digital camera will be the best choice, because on digital photo camera shopping trips, you may find hundreds of camera models in display cases that are not ultra-compact, and you should have to ask a sales representative to separate your choices down by digital camera type to help you make a decision.