When people think about tutorials, they often think about people showing them how to do stuff. However, you should realize that in today's world, people can do this through different means. The method mentioned above is probably the oldest method of them all and it still works. This type of Adobe Photo Shop tutorial works best because of the fact that it is the best interaction that a person can get. The problem with it, however, is the fact that, in this age of information-on-the-go, it can be a bit inconvenient. With the above type of Adobe Photo Shop tutorial, you would have to set aside a specific amount of time in order to learn. Also, the rate at which you would receive information would be much slower than when you make use of other media. However, if you want all of your questions answered and all of your thoughts clarified, then this is the Adobe Photo Shop tutorial for you. The next best thing, of course, is the internet. Most Adobe Photo Shop tutorials found on the internet come with text, illustrations, and even videos. This means that you will be shown what to do by the tutorial, not just told. By going with this type of Adobe Photo Shop tutorial, you will practically have the instructor there with you. Another advantage to this type of Adobe Photo Shop tutorial is the fact that you will be able to access it from anywhere in the world, anytime you want to. You are also able to skip through the lessons and find the information that you urgently need. Of course, this Adobe Photo Shop tutorial would be a bit limited compared to actually having someone there to teach you. You would have to phrase every question you have precisely in order to find an answer. Video Adobe Photo Shop tutorials also abound in the internet. Although less interactive than their online counterparts, video Adobe Photo Shop tutorials are still able to make things pretty clear for the user. Video Adobe Photo Shop tutorials often come in the form of a series wherein a new video lesson is introduced every once in a while. The main disadvantage of Adobe Photo Shop tutorials may be the fact that although they show you how to do something with your program, you would rarely be given an explanation regarding why you are doing that. You sometimes have to figure out the answer on your own by experimenting with your Photo Shop. Another type of Adobe Photo Shop tutorial is the most common one of all: the text file. A lot of text files on how to use the different features of Adobe Photo Shop can be found all over the internet. The upshot to using this type of Adobe Photo Shop tutorial is the fact that it consumes the least amount of disk space. It can also be pretty detailed. However, people sometimes find it boring to sift through the words. Some people just cannot take the time to read the entire text file. Some people also have trouble deciphering what the author of the Adobe Photo Shop tutorial is actually talking about. This is mainly because of the lack of illustrations. Choosing between the different types of Adobe Photo Shop tutorial may seem to be difficult. However, if you only know what you want, then you should have a pretty easy time.