Cingular Cellular Phone Service Is A Little Different
There is a lot of buzz in the telecommunications industry about different cell phone plan providers. Which is the best and which is the worst is really a matter of personal opinion. There is one name, however, that has been getting a lot of attention as of late. That name is Cingular. The Cingular cellular phone company is a little different than some of the others for a whole host of reasons. With what is considered one of the best networks in the world, this company is winning over clients left and right. There are many particular features about Cingular cellular phone service that make it the choice of many. These reasons include: * Large network support. These phones used to stand out on its own, but now it's even bigger and better than before. A recent merger has enabled the company to boast one of the largest networks in the country. This means it is very difficult for a customer to go anywhere and not be able to receive service. However, There are still some remote areas that present challenges to getting service. * Phone choice. The number of phones this company supports is fairly impressive. From the new iPhone from Apple to Nokia, Samsung and more, this phone service is not a single-phone-fits-all type of company. * Supported services. Like most major carriers, they offer phones with service that are very compatible with most major technologies offered today. These phones can support PDA technology, Bluetooth, e-mail, text messaging, music and video downloads and more. The company has poised itself to keep up with the industry and is doing so especially well. With both the Cingular and AT&T backing, if a service enhancement is offered, Cingular will likely provide it. * Pricing plan choice. The company has a variety of plan options that can fit just about any need going. Some of the standard features of these plans include unlimited mobile to mobile calling, roll over minutes, exclusive phone models and more. This coupled with the overall network size makes it a popular choice for many. * Fewest dropped calls. The company ranks at the highest for having the lowest number of dropped calls. This is great for those who are tired of losing the person on the other end of the line while driving, walking or even just sitting and talking. * Track record. Cingular has been around for a while and currently boasts a large number of clients from the commercial and residential arenas. * Member perks. There are benefits for loyalty that other companies might not offer. One of the top features is the refer-a-friend program that gives users a $25 bonus when friends sign up. Boasting one of the largest calling networks in the world, the Cingular cellular phone service provides its customers lots of perks. From major name backing to extensive choices in pricing plans and features, it is at the top of the industry for some very good reasons.