Looking to replace your old CRT monitor? If so you might want to look at a LCD monitor. Unlike CRT monitors, LCD monitors dissipate less heat, occupy less space, are much lighter and cause less eye strain. However, the search for a new LCD monitor can be a daunting one, especially for new customers who are unfamiliar with LCD monitors and their features. Hence, in this article we will examine some points when choosing a LCD monitor. Screen size The screen size is dependent on your computer usage. If you are a casual web surfer, or a small business owners than a screen size of 15� to 17� should be ideal. These sized monitors are the most economical and offer all the benefits of a LCD monitor. If however you are a student, graphic design or a multi-tasker then you should consider getting a monitor with a screen size of 19� or higher. Monitor Resolution A LCD monitor resolution, or the number of pixels that make up the actual screen viewing area, is another important feature to consider when choosing a LCD monitor. Most LCD monitors come with a standard resolution of 1280x1024 pixels, this resolution should be adequate for most users. If however, you are a gamer or use your computer to view movies, than you should consider getting a monitor with at least 1680 x 1050 pixels in resolution. Contrast Ratio The contrast ratio or the rating of how distinguishable various shades of color are on the screen, is another feature to consider. The higher the contrast ratio of the screen, the better the color representation is by the monitor. LCD monitors generally come in either an aspect ration of 16:9 (wide screen) or 15:9. Generally an aspect ratio of 16:9 is ideal for most users. Viewing Angles LCD monitors are also rated for their visible viewing angle for both the horizontal and vertical axis. This rating is the angle to the arc of a semicircle whose center is at the perpendicular to the screen. The default viewing angle is adequate for most users, unless you require a higher privacy in which case you would pick a monitor with a viewing angle close to 90 degrees. Luminance The LCD monitor luminance or the measure of how much light can the monitor produce is another important feature to consider. For the casual web surfer, or the small business owner a LCD monitor with an output of 200 to 250 nits is ideal, however 500 nits or higher is recommended for users who view TV and movies on their monitor. Response Time The LCD Response times refer to the amount of time it takes for the crystals in the LCD monitor to turn on and off. The lower the response time, the less of a blurring effect there will be on the screen. For the casual web surfer, or the small business owner a LCD monitor with 8 ms latency is deal, however 4ms or less is recommended for gaming users.