Web Hosting service providers are constantly virally marketing their company name throughout the net, building up their status in hope to increase their reputation. Having said that, customers look to find a web hosting plan to fit their budget and not only cheap domain names. Furthermore, in order to satisfy customer's needs web hosting companies compete in full confidence to provide as much benefits as they can in their hosting plans. Faraz Dayvandi, President of CRM www.cashrichmoney.com stated that in order to give the web hosting world what they want, you have to load as many benefits as you can within hosting plans. Simply having a cheap domain name registration is not enough anymore. Benefits that come in normal web hosting plans are: 100MB Banner-Free Hosting 1GB Monthly Traffic, 10 Email Accounts, Web/POP Email Access, FTP Access, Website Creator and many more. Is this really enough to satisfy customer's wants? It certainly takes many more benefits than the ones mentioned above; however in order to decide on a web hosting plan, you need more than benefits. Trust and hacker safe programs are a crucial factor to look in too. Web Hosting companies want their customers to fully trust them and understand that the web hosting corporation their customers choose is reliable. Having said that, www.cashrichmoney.com (CRM) has provided such a site where consumers can compare the top 10 rated web hosting companies with high quality plans and not have to struggle searching for a fitting hosting company on the net. CRM CEO of www.cashrichmoney.com Tal Lifschitz was quoted saying "We believe consumers should have the option to check every web hosting plan on one single web page then decide to make a purchase. This eliminates the stress factor of endlessly looking for it on the internet." Using CRM's website as a guide to find the top hosting companies, hosting customers realize the potential of conveniently finding all options on one successful hosting review website.