Home networking is nothing but connecting systems with each other to interact or share information with each other. BT Networking is also the same. Here internet access will be shared with the support of BT broadband service provider. BT is one of the most popular broadband service providers in UK which has been survived in UK market with the support of millions of subscribers. Advantages of BT Networking BT Network allows connecting up to 10 computers with each other to share information's with each other. It is easy to set up BT network. It is easy to get this network as you can make orders through on-line. There is no need to wait for opening web pages while you surf on the internet. You can make use of your ADSL broadband connection for setting network. No need of rewiring for getting home network in BT networking. A modem, a router and BT hub is enough for setting a network. You can get high speed home network. For which you can use ADSL access. Technique used behind this BT Network BT service providers will combine a router, an ADSL modem and BT Hub inside a little box. You may not need to buy separate standard ADSL modem for each computer. This is called as set top box which permits you to extend the network up to 10 computers simultaneously. It is impossible to set BT Network with the cable internet. What are all the system requirements to get BT Network? � Any one of the Operating Systems of Windows 98 SE, ME, 2000 or XP or Mac OS 8.6 and above � CD-ROM drive � 32Mb memory or 64Mb memory (is recommended) � 5Mb of hard disk space � BT Wireless Network 1250 software What are all the hardware requirements? � USB Cable � An ADSL Modem � A Router � An Ethernet Card � Cords � BT home network PC Adapter What are the various kinds of BT adapters? Three distinct adapters are offered by BT namely: � BT Wireless Network PC Adapter � BT Home Network PC Adapter � BT Voyager 1020 Laptop adapter