Be Your Own Detective, Get A Surveillance Camera And Make Friends In The Right Places
Are you inquisitive, discreet, and friendly? Do you like to court danger and are you fast on your feet? You can go for a career as a private eye. With related training and a high school diploma, you can make a go of it. But first, get a surveillance camera as a partner. Become a detective You can be in a lucrative business if you have what it takes to become a detective. No worries, you don�t have need a Ph.D., M.A., or a college degree to follow in the footsteps of James Bond. With rigorous training, and knowledge on the legalities involving espionage can jumpstart your career. Of course, you�ll need modern-day spy gadgets to give your career a boost. A private detective needs a pal to be with him 24 hours a day when he is on a case. With a covert surveillance camera, he can track his target and have a record of the target�s activities. For efficient investigative work, he needs other gadgets that will require quite an investment since these items do not come cheap. You may need the latest model surveillance camera, or if you want the full regalia, you can get the snake camera or swallow a camera inside a pill! You can disguise your cameras in spy glasses, clocks, and camcorders the size of a matchbox. As a detective, you have to get your creative juices flowing all the time. People are becoming smart, as well as your average miscreant. They�ll know what to avoid and how to avoid detection and apprehension. Why need people? Put on that charm and turn it full blast when you need information in the right places. Whether you�re working for an agency or working solo, you�ll need people aside from your surveillance camera. Information coming from the right places can help you with your detective work. The first person you should befriend is a lawyer. His advice is indispensable if you want to avoid loopholes and legal problems. A criminal lawyer and a divorce lawyer should top your list. Of course, don�t overstay your welcome. You�ll have to pay their hourly fees, but charge it to your clients. You�re in the career to earn not get to the almshouse sooner. Give a newshound a drink and cultivate this partnership. You�ll have the latest scoop or get an earful of information you won�t be reading from newspaper. For this you must be able to filter what�s in and what�s out until you have established your credibility with him or her. There�s the utility man, clerk, records officer, hotel guard, and several others in and out of government service that can give you useful information. It�s not also unusual to deal with shady characters. They�re the lynchpins to any covert surveillance on top of your surveillance camera. Subtle disguises Your arsenal of surveillance equipment and gadgets won�t be complete without some handy costumes for your disguises. A false beard, a wig, or nun�s habit can give you some cover. Interested? Check out a surveillance camera that�ll fit your budget and start putting on the charm.