Internet is a medium of collaboration. There are millions of web pages, so one can easily get lost in the crowd. But there is a system by which you can get noticed that is by collaborating. Link to succeed is the formula for promotion. This section covers strategies which will manifold your presence and ultimately your sales by creating an alliance with other players. 1. LINK TO CHAIN AND CHAIN TO GAIN Link to others and make a big chain. Another way to gain top website ranking and popularity is to have a "resources" page on your website or most as it is commonly called "Links" page. Make a Visit to other websites that offer similar content and make a request to their webmaster to Exchange Links. Now either will have each other�s web link mentioned in their respective LINKS section This also boosts your website Search Engine popularity and ranking. It will also show your website visitors you care enough about them to provide other sources of online information for them and many will view your efforts a courtesy, further making YOUR website more valuable in content. 2. AFFILIATES TO SELL YOUR PRODUCTS This is an effective marketing strategy. Affiliates are people who will offer, promote and sell your software on their websites for you in return for a small commission for every sale. It is like having a big team of salespersons� They put your logo-link or banner on their site and when there is a sale through their site, they get a percentage as commission. Here it�s a win-win situation for both as the value of their site increases as they are putting a banner or a logo of an established product and to you, your product is getting more coverage. Many of the more experienced affiliates have websites designed to sell your product or with other similar ones upon their sites. Most of the more experienced affiliates even have and use numerous websites in order to maximize their commission payout. The more sites they have with your product link on it the more presence you get. There is a wide range of affiliates and how they work at promoting your product. All major players including include an affiliate program with the service they provide and already have an army of affiliates waiting to sell your product. If you want to increase your sales manifold over what you alone can do by yourself - consider having affiliates sell your product. The logic is the more presence you have, the more you will be the sale of your product 3. PARTNER WITH OTHER DEVELOPERS Search around and find products that are similar to yours that would compliment each other and make a request to the other developer for a strategic alliance. A relationship in which you can sell each others product in conjunction with each other - you will be creating "bundle software" packages at a slight discounted price. As done by all Anti-virus firms bundling their softwares with firewall developers and offering Internet Security Suits. The pricing agreement has to be worked out. You sell your product for $ 25. And the other sells their product for $ 25. Both developers offer the same bundle on their websites for the same price. With a software bundle, the user can be offered for say $ 40. A discount of $ 10 for the user, while each of you has given just $ 5 discount. But at the end of the day both developers benefit from the sale. The customer and the developers both gain. As a result your software gets more exposure for more promotion.