One of the biggest parts of my job is managing website log files. Our business is very �marketing-centric�, so missing log file data isn�t expectable. There have been a few situations were log files have been split or broken. Below are three nice little commands which have helped tremendously. Removes all log files with no datafind /home/httpd/logs -size 0 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm �f This is a simple little command which helps keep things neat and organized. Once files rotate I�ve found a bunch of empty files on the folder. This really confuses some of the marketing people. Converts log files extention into logical month.for i in `dir /home/httpd/logs/*-access_log.1|sed s/\.1$//`; do mv $i.1 $i.feb; done A little more complicated. Again, the overall goal here is to make the log files more friendly for marketing people connecting into the FTP server. I am converting the *.1 extension file created by the log rotate into *.month. I use this single line to change the extension on 300+ files. Works fantastic! Combines log files with extentions .1.1 -> .1 and creates a new logical month.for i in `dir /home/httpd/logs/*-access_log.1|sed s/\.1$//`; do cat $i.1.1 $i.1 >$i.mar; done Here is the big daddy. One month because of a mistake the log files rotated mid-month. This would have been a nightmare to manually concatenate each file. This script above takes the files and combines them. Try to do this in windows! For the most part I�ve learned to hate access logs. They are a big, always changes, difficult to backup, and from a technical perspective somewhat useless. These little few commands above however make life a little easier.